Yoga At Home: Getting Started Towards A Healthier You


For those looking for an alternative way to stay fit, yoga can be a good option. It requires very little equipment, which is great if you are staying at home at the moment. But it can be a bit of a challenge to get into at the start. Here is a helpful guide on how to do yoga at home and be on the road to a healthy body. 

The benefits of doing yoga at home

Before you start doing yoga routines, it’s a good idea to know what benefits you can gain from it. This will help you better understand what to expect from your new workout. You will also get a better appreciation for the practice, encouraging you to pursue it more. 

Correct your posture

Image from Breaking Muscle

Having the right posture greatly improves your health in every aspect. For one, it helps you sit up straighter, which is handy if you’re working at home for long hours. Practicing yoga also helps alleviate the backaches that a bad posture can cause. 

Increased flexibility and mobility

Contrary to popular belief, practicing yoga is not just for flexible people. In fact, one of its biggest benefits is helping you build your body’s flexibility. This, in turn, will improve your mobility and make it easier to move around the house.

Weight loss

Image from Styles at Life.

If you are looking to lose some weight but don’t have the penchant for rigorous workouts, yoga is a good replacement. The gentle movements associated with the art will help boost your metabolic rate and naturally burn fat. Additionally, yoga can correct your hormonal imbalance and normalize weight better. 

Reduced stress

Dealing with all the shenanigans of daily life, especially during the current pandemic, is very stressful. Studies have shown that even a short yoga session can help reduce that stress significantly. It also lowers your heart rate, giving your body a better way to cope with future stresses. 

Cultivates mindfulness

Mindfulness is the state of being more aware of your present surroundings, including the emotions of people around you. Practicing yoga helps you concentrate more and get into this state faster. The state helps you better control your own emotions and deal with the stresses of daily life. 

Can men do yoga too?

With all the benefits above, you might notice that more women are practicing yoga. On the other hand, men often prefer more physically intensive workouts This can be attributed to a feeling of boredom. The slow movements associated with the exercise might seem to not be doing that much.There is also the notion that yoga is strictly for women.

Image from The National.

However, these views are slowly changing. Since the above benefits apply for both genders, more men are now gradually getting into the trend. The simplicity of the workouts also appeals to males looking for an easy workout that they can squeeze in during their work. All of these should convince you to also try yoga routines out. 

What you need for doing yoga at home

Now that you have a good idea of what you get from yoga, you can start planning your workout. A great thing about doing yoga at home is that you don’t need a lot of equipment. Here are the essentials you should prepare for your sessions. 

A dedicated space

When doing your yoga poses, you would want to be in a quiet place where you can focus. A spare room would be good, especially if it’s far from the busy spots in the house. If you only have the living room, do your sessions when your other family members are not around. 

Image from American Lifestyle.

The area should also be clutter-free so that you can freely execute the moves without bumping into anything. Move around the furniture if you need more space. Additionally, don’t do your poses on a carpet, as you can slip when doing the advanced ones. 

Yoga mat

The foremost thing that you should look for in a yoga mat is the grip. It should not easily slide on the floor even if you are using your full weight to push it. You can enhance the mat’s grip further by putting some chalk or a rubber pad underneath. 

Image from Mashable.

Additionally, the mat should be of the right thickness. Since you will be doing a lot of poses on your knees, a thick mat will serve as a good cushion. A ⅛-inch thick mat gives you that good cushion while still letting you connect to the ground better. 


The main rule when it comes to yoga clothes is breathability. You want to comfortably be able to do your poses without your clothes feeling too tight. They should also be flexible enough to withstand all that bending and stretching. 

As for yoga pants, go for something that has a moisture wicking feature. This helps draw away sweat from your body and get rid of that sticky feeling. You also need to get one that fits you comfortably and does not restrict your movement. 

Yoga at home: the styles you should try out

Over the years, hundreds of yoga styles have been developed for workout purposes. This can make it harder for beginners to decide which one to start with. Here are some of the styles that you can consider when doing yoga at home for the first time. 

Vinyasa yoga

If you are the type that prefers a more dynamic workout, vinyasa yoga will be to your liking. It combines flowing movements with a faster pace that will get your heart rate going. HIIT workout lovers will like this for exactly that purpose. But you do need to have some experience with the basics before jumping into this one. 

Iyengar yoga

This one can be considered as the opposite of vinyasa yoga since you focus more on the precision of your pose and anatomical alignment. The style also works well for people with injuries, as there is less movement. You will need a few more pieces of equipment aside from a yoga mat, like yoga blocks, when doing these. 

Hatha yoga

Hatha yoga is considered as one of the most basic forms. It introduces some of the elements that you will encounter later in other styles. The style also has a bit more movement without being as fast-paced as vinyasa yoga. This makes it a good option for people who have not been active for a while. 

Restorative yoga

This yoga style requires you to hold poses for a longer time, usually 5 to 10 minutes. You get to enjoy a deeper state of relaxation and focus more on your breathing. The style suits everyone but will be to the liking of those who have anxiety and sleeping problems. 

Do yoga at home and get into shape in mind and body

Whether you are a single professional or a parent having to balance work and domestic chores, doing yoga at home can do a lot of wonders for you. Follow this guide and you will be able to start to see the benefits within a few weeks. Combine it with other home exercises to get into the best shape faster while staying indoors.