Wrap it Up: Eco-friendly Gift Wrapping Ideas

Nobody will dispute the fact that the holidays are the season of giving. Whether you’re giving out simple trinkets and stocking stuffers or something thoughtful for the people closest to your heart, the package your gifts come in adds to the appeal. However, old-school gift wrapping paper and cellophane are not only dated, but it is also wasteful and hard on Mother Earth. Let’s talk about some ways to give out presentable gifts in an environmentally-friendly way.

Gift wrappers

To Wrap or Not?

Not wrapping your gift at all may seem to be the lazy way out but maybe not all the time. If you happen to buy from a store with nice paper bags, you can ask for more and package your gift there. It takes very little effort and will ensure that the bags serve another purpose over just holding your shopping. Many chain stores come out with pretty paper bag designs for the Christmas season that will look nice under any tree. If you’re giving out holiday food, they also usually come in themed boxes, cans, or jars that are festive and display-worthy on their own. Or, you can also

Put a Ribbon on It

Should your present’s packaging be pretty enough but lacks something to tie it together with the season, some ribbon, yarn, or twine is an easy and effective way to “Christmas” it up. While ribbon isn’t something that someone tends to keep, it’s less waste than a whole sheet of non-recyclable paper that will make its way to a landfill. If we can’t completely eliminate waste, we can minimize it. Also, knowing Pinoys, they’ll find another use for pretty ribbon and string — even if it’s just to decorate another gift to pass on. 

Take it Up a Notch

Some people actually like wrapping up gifts and putting in an effort towards making their gifts pretty. If you’re one of those people, don’t worry, you can do that and still take steps towards saving Mother Earth. They’re really easy to do too.

Old Paper Bags

Look, don’t worry, that’s not as bad as it sounds. We’re not suggesting you get the bag your pandesal came in and stuff a gift in it. Used to be, we could use old newspapers for gifts, but the digital age means almost nobody has the papers lying around. This runs along the same line.

We’re sure you have loads of these brown paper bags lying around nowadays because many cities have imposed plastic-free shopping as an ordinance. To use used paper bags as gift wrap, gently undo the seams of the paper bag and lay it flat. There you have it, instant wrapping paper. Just make sure you have the blank side out. Just like regular wrapper, the size of the paper bag you’ll need will depend on the size of the gift.

Take things up to the next level by drawing or painting on the bags before use. If you have kids or someone artistic in the family, they’ll definitely enjoy this. Also, it ensures that your gifts have a personal touch and stand out from the rest.

Beeswax Wraps

Beeswax wraps are an eco-loving alternative to plastic and cling wrap made out of fabric and beeswax. As you know, fabric comes in so many colors and patterns, so there isn’t a shortage of festive designs that are appropriate for the season. If you’re giving out food gifts, especially if you’ve made them yourself, you can package them in these. It will not only look nice and sosyal, but it’s also reusable and is a gift itself.

Environmentally Friendly Shipping

You don’t always give gifts face-to-face. Nowadays, courier services abound and will readily deliver your gifts and cards for you. Of course, many couriers use plastic pouches that aren’t really Earth loving. We’ve got great alternatives for you though!

Upcycled Envelopes

While you can reuse the envelopes that some paper bills come in, they’re hardly nice enough for cash gifts and the like. That said, malls and stores now give out several Christmas themed catalogs in nice colors. Take them apart and create envelopes with them. The internet has numerous tutorials and most of them only require glue and scissors. You can use these envelopes to send letters and cards or hold cash gifts for your inaanaks.

Econest PH

Shipping in paper bags seems like a good idea until it rains. Many riders use motorcycles to deliver and your packages getting wet in the rain seem inevitable. Does it mean you have to use plastic courier bags? No. We’ve found a great alternative — EcoNest PH products. They offer Cassava Biobags and Sugarcane Takeaway Boxes. The Cassava biobags are water-resistant and come in different sizes for your parcels. The takeaway boxes can be used for food gifts or to keep your more fragile items secure during shipping. The best thing about them is that they’re completely biodegradable. The biobags feel like plastic but they’re better — they dissolve in hot water and are compostable.

That Covers It

These suggestions are very easy and the materials you need are very accessible. Some of them are lying around your house already. If you have more gift wrapping ideas that don’t involve plastic, let us know. We’d love to hear them!