Work From Home And Be More Productive During Your Stay


One of the biggest changes the current COVID-19 pandemic has brought about is making work from home setups go from optional to mandatory. But while it seemed a welcome development for many employees who have to brave daily traffic, it is also a challenge for those doing it for the first time. Here are some handy tips and strategies on how you can more effectively work from home and stay safe while at it. 

Why is it hard to work from home?

Image from Right Step UK.

Probably the biggest reason why people might find it harder to work from home is because of the different interruptions. When you are in the office, your only focus is doing your work. At home, you also have to take into consideration the various home chores that have to be done. What more, there are a lot of distractions coming from little things that catch your attention, as well as family and friends checking up on you now and then. 

This creates a lot of pressure on you to work harder and make up for the lost time. And the ongoing pandemic adds another burden to this, as the uncertainty it brings will keep you thinking about your family’s safety. All of these create a cycle that forces you to work even harder than you should. 

The lack of colleague interactions

Love them or hate them, your co-workers are one of the things that make office life more bearable. The quick chats that you have over the pantry are great stress relievers. Without all those small talks, you can feel isolated while trying to do your work at home. 

You might argue that you can also do that small talk with family and friends but there is still something different with engaging with coworkers. Here, you get a sense of camaraderie that lets you talk more freely about work-related stuff. Also, you get some assistance at work when needed. 

Bad health habits

While you might not be aware of it, working from home can also lead you to develop bad health habits. One such bad habit to watch out for is overeating. With the kitchen just a few steps away, you will be tempted to eat more while working. On the flip side, the added pressure might cause you to skip meals to meet deadlines. 

There is also a greater risk of becoming more sedentary. People joke about how you log into the virtual office only to fall asleep at the bed right beside you but it is an apt description. In the office, you at least get to move around when meeting with different colleagues. The increased sedentary lifestyle is a well-known contributor to a variety of diseases, including obesity, heart ailments, and diabetes. 

Image from Reader’s Digest.

Establishing your work from home routine

To be able to more effectively work from home, you need to create a stringent routine for yourself. The first thing that you need to have here is a definite schedule. Most companies that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic often require employees to follow the schedule they already have in the office. Here, you simply need to build your routine around that one. 

If you are given more flexible work arrangements, you need to be more diligent in creating your schedule. This is so that you can be sure to meet deadlines while still taking advantage of the flexible time. A useful trick here is to wake up at the same time each day, regardless of your office schedule. This helps you get used to a regular routine. 

You would also want to structure your day as you would typically in the office. Not that you would follow it exactly, as it would lose some of the fun things about working from home. But you still want to follow the regular beats like the time when you usually send documents or when to take a quick coffee break. This creates a sense of familiarity that helps you focus more. 

Cutting down on distractions

As noted above, the various distractions that you encounter around the house can make work from home a lot harder. The schedule you have created is a good start but you can take it further. Informing everyone in the house what your schedule will be so that they know when not to disturb you is another strategy you can do. 

You would also want to have a dedicated room for work. It could be something as simple as a spare room with a desk and chair. Make sure that the room is sufficiently lit and large enough to let you move around. Avoid working in your bedroom or living room as these contain a lot of the distractions that can catch your attention. 

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Adapt to the new normal and enjoy the perks of working from home

With the COVID-19 pandemic likely persisting for the next few months, labor experts say that work from home is going to become more commonplace. By following the tips above, you will be able to adapt to this new normal faster. Take advantage of this opportunity and stay safe while doing your job.