Wacky Lockdown Activities To Drive The Boredom Away

Wacky lockdown activities

The month-long community quarantine placed on Luzon to stop the spread of COVID-19 has been a grueling experience for many. After all, not being able to go out for weeks on end is nerve-wracking. And with the announcement that it will be extended for another 15 days, people are now wondering how they will keep themselves going? So, here are some wacky lockdown activities you can do to put a smile on your face and keep sane during this period. 

Wacky lockdown activity no. 1: Go on a “quarantour”

When the Luzon-wide lockdown was first announced in mid-March, a lot of outdoor enthusiasts groaned. While they understand the necessity, that means all the travel activities they have been planning for months are now out of the question. It didn’t help that President Duterte told people to just tour their homes during the lockdown.

However, local netizens did find a silver lining from that statement, and the idea of the “quarantour” was born. A portmanteau of the words ‘quarantine” and “tour,” the quarantour is a social media “game” where participants explore their house and describe each room as if describing a vacation place. 

The only rule in the challenge is that you need to be creative in your presentation of the different “vacation spots.” As such, many netizens came up with witty captions for their images. Others went further and dressed for the “vacation.”

Eto yung byahe ko kagabi na umani ng reaction kung pasaan daw ako eh lockdown 🤪😜

Posted by RC DeLos Reyes on Monday, March 23, 2020

Meanwhile, some used their Photoshop skills to “travel.”

Part 1 of our Quarantour 🤣🤦🏻‍♂🤙🏻Nasa picture yung caption😂-just for fun-abangan ang part 2😂

Posted by MC Managuelod on Sunday, March 22, 2020

Kids will be the ones enjoying the game most but you will also find yourself laughing a lot as you prepare for the photoshoot. You can also have a challenge with friends as to who can come up with the most unique quarantour shoot. 

Wacky lockdown activities no. 2: Have a balcony concert

Okay, so the Italians have already done this during their first few weeks in lockdown. But that shouldn’t stop you from following suit. We all know that Pinoys love to sing and this is one opportunity you don’t want to miss. 

You might wonder how to start with this. Well, why not go with some classic novelty songs, like what these guys in Quezon City did?

Community quarantined QC residents sing in their houses amidst the Corona pandemic in this eerie and hauntingly beautiful video

Posted by Jok Gumiran on Sunday, March 15, 2020

Once you get over the initial embarrassment, then it’s time to go all out. Belt any song that you like, whether it be the cheesiest love song or your favorite rock ballad. Of course, you need to be careful about causing public alarm, so be sure to keep your voice at just the right volume. 

But there is more to this whole balcony concert than just being a wacky lockdown activity. As is with the Italians, it is a great way to raise the spirits of neighbors, whether they are applauding at you or laughing at your antics. Get friends from across the street to join in and you will surely catch the attention of others as well. 

Wacky activity no., 3: Host your own cooking show

With the coronavirus lockdown going on for almost a month now, you have likely concocted over a dozen new recipes in a bid to make your meals interesting. Why not share it with everyone else through your own online cooking show?

This wacky lockdown activity is easier to do than you might think. All you need is a mobile phone to shoot the demo videos. From there, you can upload them to any social media site you want, like Facebook or YouTube. And if you don’t have the time to shoot actual videos, then you can just create a photo album of the steps.

Of course, this being a wacky lockdown activities list, you need to make your new cooking show fun. Instead of the boring narration of steps, go for a comedic spiel like what popular Facebook “chef” Luis Azcona does in his videos. 

Salmon Belly na Namimiss ang Batchmates

Salmon Belly na Namimiss ang Batchmates

Posted by Luis Azcona Videos on Sunday, April 5, 2020

You can also be more theatrical in showcasing each step. But don’t try to overdo it, as your goal is to simply have fun. 

Wacky lockdown activities no. 4: Do a Tik Tok video

Tiktok is one of the apps that younger people turned to for amusement during the coronavirus lockdown. On the other hand, older Pinoys seem to have an aversion for it, with “Hinding-hindi ako magti-Tiktok (I will never use TikTok)” being a popular tongue in cheek battlecry. But with the lockdown getting extended, you might want to consider caving in. 

The trick is coming up with the right TikTok video you would have the guts to post. So if you are not sure that you have the dance moves, don’t start there. Another popular type of TikTok video you might be more inclined to do are lip sync videos. These are the ones where you act out different movie lines. You can also split-screen duet videos, which is a great way to respond to your kids’ Tik Tok antics.

Drive the coronavirus lockdown boredom away with these activities

Aside from these four, there are other wacky lockdown activities you can do at home. All of these will help you take your mind off the day to day stress brought by the situation. Have a bit of fun and you will be surprised that it is over.