Valentine’s Date Ideas To Spice Up The Romance On A Budget

Budget Valentine's date ideas

Valentine’s Day is coming in just a few days and many couples are probably thinking of what to do on the day. One concern for some is whether they have enough money for the occasion. But don’t fret thinking about it. Here are some great Valentine’s date ideas that will impress your beloved while still staying within your budget. 

Budget Valentine’s Day idea no. 1: Go for inexpensive gifts

As it is Valentine’s Day, giving your loved one a present is an important gesture. But you can save a lot here by forgoing lavish gifts. Instead, find more affordable alternatives that would still show how much you love them. 

If you are planning to give flowers, for instance, don’t go for the usual bouquet. These can cost you hundreds of pesos and will last only for a few days before they wilt and get discarded. Instead, opt for a potted plant. With a bit of TLC, this will keep blooming and would be a nice symbol of your everlasting love. You can find a lot of potted plants in gardening stores, which will cost you only a fraction of prepared bouquets. 

Image from Flipboard.

For those thinking about giving jewelry to their partners, there are plenty of alternatives to the thousand-peso rings or necklaces. Try visiting your local pawn shop and you will find some great-looking pieces at more affordable prices. Or you could forget the silver and gold jewelry altogether and opt for handcrafted bracelets and necklaces. These offer a more unique look than traditional jewelry. 

Budget Valentine’s Day idea no. 2: Go for alternative gifts

Continuing from the above, you can take this a step further and opt for non-traditional gifts. These will give you a lot more options to choose from in terms of prices. What’s more, you will be able to give them something different and unique. 

Books are one such non-traditional gift you can give your partner this Valentine’s Day. Anything themed around romance and intimate relationships would be at the top of your list. But you can also go for different genres based on their tastes. Additionally, you can give non-fiction books, again based on your better half’s preferences. If they love to cook, a new cookbook with lots of nice recipes would work. 

Another non-traditional Valentine’s gift you can opt for is a “bouquet” of gift certificates and vouchers. Think about the mundane things your partner wants, such as a full body massage, and look for establishments that offer discount certificates for these. You will be surprised at how easy it is since many businesses will be taking advantage of the occasion to attract customers. Put these into a decorative envelope to add to the surprise. Don’t forget to set aside a date so that they can enjoy those vouchers. 

Image from Sogo Twitter page.

Budget Valentine’s Day ideas no. 3: Have a candlelit dinner right at home

If your better half is looking forward to that romantic candlelight dinner, you don’t have to go out and reserve a table at a restaurant. Setting up your table right at home makes everything simple and budget-friendly. It also adds a more personal touch since you will be doing it in a place where they are most comfortable in.

Image from Wonder to Wander.

The right execution will help you make your home valentine’s date successful. Choose a theme that they like and set up your dining area or yard accordingly. Be creative in how you execute that theme, such as using colored paper to emulate scattered flower petals. Encourage your partner to dress up for the occasion.

As for the menu, it would be a good idea for both of you to do the cooking. This can serve as part of your bonding moment together and will make you more appreciative of each other’s efforts. 

Budget Valentine’s Date idea no. 4: Go on a little city tour

For couples who prefer to spend Valentine’s day outdoors, there is no need to go to far off places. Exploring the very city you are in can itself be a great romantic escapade. Talk with friends to find out the spots that many people consider romantic and check it out. Manila alone has plenty of such places that couples visit. Or you can make it more personal by revisiting the places that both of you hold particularly dear. 

While you are at it, check out the different Valentine’s Day gimmicks by the establishments in your area. As mentioned earlier, many will offer different promos for couples that you can take advantage of. You also don’t want to miss all the free stuff that will be given away during the day. 

Enjoy Valentine’s Day without breaking the bank

The ideas listed here are some of the creative ways you and your partner can have a Valentine’s date without feeling broke afterward. Remember that the day is all about showing your affection for each other. Do these little things and you will make it another memorable Valentine’s date even on a tight budge