The Wuhan Coronavirus: How You Can Protect Yourself From It

Wuhan coronavirus

The sudden 2019 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak in China and surrounding countries have raised alarms for many travelers. With all the stories of the virus spreading fast like in horror movies, people have started thinking twice about flying abroad. Here is a quick guide on how to protect yourself against Ncov and other potential diseases. 

What is Ncov? 

The 2019 Novel coronavirus, or Ncov, is a new strain of coronavirus first reported in late December. It was initially reported in the city of Wuhan in Hubei, China. Since the initial outbreak, Chinese authorities have reported over 2700 cases in Wuhan and surrounding regions. There have also been 132 confirmed deaths as of this writing. 

Global map of Ncov infections. Image from Centers for Disease Control And Prevention.

15 countries have also confirmed cases of infections, including: 

  • Thailand
  • Australia
  • Singapore
  • Taiwan
  • United States
  • Malaysia

Many of the infected in these countries are tourists and Chinese nationals who have been in Wuhan. This has lead to concerns over potential widespread infection due to the number of tourists visiting it and nearby cities for the Chinese new year. In an attempt to prevent further spread of the virus, Chinese authorities have restricted travel to and from the city. 

In the Philippines, the Department of Health is currently monitoring 27 cases. While there is no confirmation yet of an infection, the department warned the public to take precautionary measures. Some schools in Metro Manila have also suspended classes to review the travel records of students. 


Due to Ncov being a new coronavirus strain, scientists have yet to provide a definitive list of symptoms. However, the following are the ones that would most prominently appear. 

  • Fever
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Severe cough
  • Pneumonia
  • Impaired kidney and liver function
  • Kidney failure

Since it shares symptoms with other diseases, it can be hard to initially determine whether a patient is indeed suffering from Ncov. Furthermore, some people might not show symptoms immediately. As such, they can unknowingly infect others they have come into contact with. 

Protecting yourself against Ncov

While there are no confirmed cases of Ncov in the country yet, many people already want to know what they can do to protect themselves from it. To address the situation, the World Health Organization released a set of recommendations on how to lessen exposure to and transmitting the virus

Wash your hands

Image from RMO Today.

The organization advised that you should wash your hands not just after getting into contact with sick individuals but also whenever handling food or animal products. You also need to clean your hands after sneezing or coughing to avoid any potential diseases to others. Thoroughly washing with soap and water is enough in most cases but you can also use alcohol-based hand rubs. 

Protect yourself from contaminated materials

Due to the likelihood that the Wuhan coronavirus originated from contaminated animal matter, the WHO also cautioned the public about handling these. People are advised to avoid consuming raw animal products like raw meat, milk, or animal organs. These should also be properly handled to avoid contaminating other uncooked food items. 

Protect others from the infection

Health authorities also called on the public to help curtail the spread of the disease. They advised that you should always cover your nose and mouth with a tissue paper or cloth when sneezing. Dispose of the tissue properly into a trash bin. In case you start having a fever, coughing, or any of the other symptoms, avoid close contact with others and immediately seek medical attention. 

Travel tips

Due to its accelerated spread outside of China, people have been especially cautioned about traveling. China itself put the city of Wuhan under lockdown, with no travel permitted into and out of it. They also advised tourists against visiting nearby cities as well. 

Image from The Moscow Times.

Experts provided some essential tips when traveling on an airplane to avoid infection:

  • Keep the air vents above your seat open at all times to improve air ventilation. Be sure to point the vent away from you. 
  • Wipe the armrests and trays with sanitary wipes. You also want to use a tissue when opening the bathroom door. 
  • Frequently wash your hands while on the flight. A 20-second wash using soap and water will be fine. You can also carry an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 
  • Bring a face mask on board. You will need this if you are seated next to another passenger that is continuously coughing. 
  • Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes with unwashed hands. 

In case you are feeling sick, it is best to postpone your travel until better. A compromised immune system might make you more susceptible to the virus. 

Stay safe and protect yourself against the Wuhan coronavirus

At the moment, health organizations are still trying to contain the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus, with new cases popping up every day. And you don’t want to be part of that list, not just for your sake but also for those around you. Be aware of the situation and follow the above tips for the safety of your family.