The Fitness Trends To Watch Out For in 2020

Fitness trends of 2020

Every New Year, one common resolution many people make is finally getting fit. And to fulfill that goal, they want to know what the latest fitness trends to join in. Here’s a quick look at some development and trends you can expect in 2020 and insights on whether they are worth following. 

Fitness trends no. 1: On-the-go wellness

One challenge in staying fit is keeping track of your progress. After all, you can’t carry a heart rate monitor, a distance tracker, and other monitoring equipment when exercising outside. That is until the advent of wearable devices. Wrist-worn smartwatches now let you look up your vitals and other workout information while on the move. 

Fitness smartwatch. Image from Digital Trends.

In 2020, the demand for these devices will grow even more and they will have more advanced features. Aside from monitoring your vitals and keeping track of your location, they will soon be able to detect things like haze and allergens around the environment. This additional info will help you better protect yourself from health hazards while staying fit. 

Meanwhile, the growth of mobile internet and smart devices are making it easy to access more fitness knowledge. With a simple click, you can now look up thousands of workouts and choose the one that suits your interest and fitness level. It has also made it easy to connect with expert trainers and have them guide you on your workout without needing to travel for an appointment. 

2020 fitness trend no. 2: Socialized fitness training.

Before, you worked out on your own either at home or at the gym. While you might have some gym buddies, your interaction with them often involves only a quick chat during exercise sets. With the advent of sites like Facebook and Instagram, there is now a growing social component to fitness trends.

These sites let you quickly connect with other fitness buffs and discuss a wide variety of topics like workout programs and diet. You can also share your progress and get the opinion and suggestions of others. Additionally, you can now join others in watching the live stream of a fitness trainer. 

The fitness trends of 2020 are set to bring this idea of socialized training to a new level. Gyms are themselves taking advantage of the trend to attract more members. Some offer social media-based fitness challenges people can participate in. You can also easily sign up for training programs with friends and do your sessions together. All of these are expected to motivate you further since you now have more people joining you in your journey. 

2020 fitness trend no. 3: Mindful Workouts

In recent years, there has been a growing movement in incorporating mental training with physical workouts. 2020 will see this concept evolve further with the rise of mindful workouts. These workouts use techniques like meditation and being aware of one’s surroundings to improve the efficiency of workouts. 

There will also be a greater emphasis on a holistic workout program. You won’t just need to think about the actual workout but also what happens before and after that. An important aspect that will be given more attention is how you recover from the strain of the physical workout. Advancements in fitness technology will help you better monitor sleep and improve your cycles. 

All of these strategies improve your mood and enjoyment of the workout. This turns your fitness program into a more effective tool for dealing with stress. Additionally, your workout routine becomes more sustainable for years instead of you switching to different ones frequently. 

2020 fitness trends no. 4: Intuitive eating

As diet is an essential part of your health, having better control of your food intake is always seen as a good development. For 2020, you can expect a growing move towards what’s known as intuitive eating. This approach to eating doesn’t emphasize pre-planned diets. Instead, you are encouraged to listen more to your body signals. Some of its important points are:

  • Eating when you are hungry and stopping when full
  • Not categorizing food as “good” or “bad” 
  • Enjoying your meals
  • Not being tied to food rules

While it might seem a bit of a drastic approach, proponents say that the strategy lets you be more attuned and respectful of your body. In turn, this helps you craft a more personalized meal plan that suits your needs. 

Listen to these trends and build a healthier you this 2020

Aside from these fitness trends, you can expect to discover more development as 2020 rolls on. While you are not obliged to follow them, these will give you a lot of insight into more efficient workout methods. Explore and use them as a guide for developing a fitness program that is truly for you.