The Best Gourmet Tuyo Brands You Can Buy

Gourmet tuyo is not something that would come to your mind when thinking of the staple Pinoy fish. But this new take on the beloved tuyo is fast becoming popular with many people. Take a look at the best tuyo brands you can enjoy right at the comforts of your home. 

What is gourmet tuyo anyway? 

Gourmet tuyo is essentially any dish that incorporates the familiar dried and salted herring as a main ingredient. This goes beyond the usual preparation of just frying the fish. Instead, you will find it being served in pasta, soups, or even in pizza.

One popular form of gourmet tuyo is bottled tuyo. Here, the fish is soaked in oil and different spices, then put in jars. Aside from regular and spicy, you can get other flavors like salted eggs, turmeric, and lemon juice. 

The tuyo already comes in the bottle pre-cooked, so you can enjoy it immediately. You could also cook it with additional ingredients to create your gourmet take. Because of its convenience, bottled tuyo has become common in wet markets and supermarkets. There are also a lot of different brands you can choose from, each with its own set of unique flavors. 

The best tuyo brands in the market

With the multitude of gourmet tuyo brands sprouting, it can be a bit hard to decide which ones to pick. There are homemade ones you can get from local dealers and there are also those manufactured by big-name brands. Here are some of the best tuyo brands to look out for your next meal. 

Mamai’s Kitchen

Mamai’s Kitchen is a Facebook-based online store selling both gourmet tuyo and tinapa. The brand was started by Madeleine Sianghio in 2017. Sianghio said that this was meant to add more to her daily income while staying at home to care for her children. 

In an interview, the entrepreneur mom said she originally only wanted to resell another brand’s products. However, there were already a lot of competition. Sianghio then decided to create her own recipe

The store currently has three different gourmet tuyo flavors available, namely 

  • Gourmet tuyo flakes in olive oil: Made from local tamban
  • Gourmet tinapa in corn oil: It features different spices for added flavor.
  • Gourmet tuyo pasta sauce: The fish is soaked in thickened olive oil you can add directly to any pasta.

These come in small jars and cost between 190 and 200 pesos. All of Mamai’s Kitchen’s products are homemade, so you are guaranteed to get that authentic taste. To order, you can send a message to their Facebook page

SSB Gourmet Products

SSB Gourmet Products is another brand started by a home-based mom. Anne Bautista, the brand’s founder, said she wanted to try something new with the dish. She noted that the options back then were only regular tuyo and oil and the spicy variety. 

The result of her experiments are six flavors that are sure to catch the attention of tuyo lovers:

  • Salted eggs
  • Lemongrass
  • Basil
  • Chili garlic
  • Lemon
  • Turmeric

Bautista said that all the different flavors they produced are well-balanced and made from high-quality ingredients. The fish they use for the recipes are sourced from Cavite. Their salted eggs tuyo, on the other hand, are made from organic eggs. The entrepreneur said this makes it less salty than regular eggs and is a healthier option. 

Santiago noted that people were initially hesitant to try out the new flavors they have. But after some time, more orders came in, letting her expand her business. You can order a batch of their products by visiting their Facebook page

Flip’s Gourmet Tuyo

If you are craving for the classic gourmet tuyo, Flip’s is a great brand to check out. One great thing about the tuyo brand is that their products are less salty than other brands. This is good for people who might not be fond of the saltiness of regular tuyo. It also has the right blend of spiciness to it. 

Another great thing about Flip’s is that it comes in a ready-to-eat package. You just open the jar and pour the contents into a plate and you are good to go. While it blends well with just plain rice, you can also add it to pasta and other meals. 

The brand’s gourmet tuyo has a shelf life of up to three months. According to the manufacturer, there is no need to refrigerate it, which is good if you don’t have enough fridge space. Aside from their Facebook page, you can buy Flip’s Gourmet Tuyo at the different food bazaars and expos being held around the Metro.

Fill your tummy with the best tuyo brands

With the different gourmet tuyo brands listed here, you don’t have to stick to the tired and boring fried version. Instead, you get a lot of different flavors for this popular food fish. Try these brands today and find out which ones will satisfy your tuyo fix.