Skin Care Tips for Oily Skin: Clean Your Way to Shine-free Skin

woman touching her face

Having oily skin can be very hard to manage especially since it can lead to acne and other skin problems. For this article, we will be sharing some skin care tips for oily skin that you can easily follow. Having oily skin care routine can make a big impact in skin care and can surely give positive results in no time.

Below are some of the things you can do yourself in the comfort of your own home for your oily skin. They are easy to do, effective and can be a thin line between having acne-prone skin and achieving that flawless beauty, all by just following these oily skin care routines.

Exfoliate at least once a week

Exfoliation is a very effective way of removing all the underlying and stubborn dirt lodged in your face. Also, it is a great way to clear away the dead skin cells, especially to people who have oily skin. 

Use a gentle astringent every other day

Using an astringent can tighten pores and can remove the excess oils in your face. Just make sure you use a gentle type of astringent and not those who have a high alcohol content, as this may burn your skin.

Also, this must not be done every day as the alcohol content may do damage instead of help if used inappropriately. One very important thing to remember is that you must never use astringent if you have just exfoliated. This will cause the skin to break and we don’t want further crisis on the skin.

Create a Daily Oily Skin Care Routine 

Make it a habit to create a routine that’s both easy to do, and something you can’t leave home without. Having a skin care ritual can be both effective and time (and money) saving since you don’t really have to go to facial salons as often as you should. Just remember, the best time to start was yesterday.

Always Apply Sunscreen

It is a common misconception that we should only wear sunscreen when we’re at the beach or when we go out and has to be under the sun. UV rays can affect our skin even when we’re at home. Have a handy water-based sunscreen and treat it as your best pal. There are a lot of options in the market and there are small ones too that can easily fit inside your bag. In that way, you will not have an excuse not to bring one anywhere. And make sure to use water-based so that it will not create excess oils on the skin.

In Conclusion

Those skin care tips for oily skins are very important to be followed if you want to have a better-looking face. I know they can be time-consuming and what-not, but instead of thinking of them as additional burdens to our daily lives, remember to keep your skin healthy is not to look good, but also to be healthy. Oily skins are harder to care for, and it’s a fact. But that shouldn’t stop you from trying to look better. You’ll thank yourself sooner than you think.