Keeping The Love Alive During COVID19


The current COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on people’s lives far beyond health concerns. One such area that has been hit significantly is the love life of many couples. With the quarantines and even social distancing, people found themselves in long distance relationships, struggling to keep the fire burning while dodging the pandemic. Let’s take take a look at how these affected romantic relationships and learn some useful COVID-19 relationship tips to keep yours going during these times.    

The impact of COVID-19 on romantic relationships

One of the major impacts of the pandemic on couples is the decrease in the level of physical intimacy. Social distancing rules meant that people looking for partners have to endure prolonged periods of not being in contact with others. The dating scene, in particular, is expected to change drastically during and after the pandemic. 

Since people are not allowed to go out of the house to meet with potential romantic partners, they had to find ways to keep connected. This is where online dating has become a popular option. Many online dating apps have introduced features that let people meet with prospective partners through video chats. 

Image from

However, not everyone is keen on this new way to meet dates. Some have expressed their skepticism on whether they will be to sustain virtual dating in the long run. The main issue here is still the inability to physically connect with their dates. 

This situation has been compared to the Netflix reality series Love Is Blind. In the said series, participants go on a date with each other while placed in isolation pods. Here, they are unable to see or touch the person they are engaging with. But while virtual dating still lets seekers see who they are interacting with, experts say that it still won’t be able to completely replicate the chemistry they can feel when they physically meet their dates. 

On the upside, relationship experts say that virtual dating can serve as a good test when determining potential relationship partners. People would still be able to gauge whether they like the other person based on the limited engagements. This will convince them whether or not to take the relationship to the next stage even in the current situation. 

Long-distance romantic relationships in the time of COVID-19

Unlike in the dating stage, there is already a strong emotional attachment between romantically-involved couples. As such, the anxiety of not being able to see each other personally for a prolonged time becomes greater. 

Image from The Oprah Magazine.

Some couples may already be accustomed to long-distance relationships, such as those living in different provinces or even countries. But other factors can still put pressure on their relationships. One of these is the uncertainty about when the pandemic will finally be over. This has wrecked many long-distance couples’ plans for seeing each other. And since there is still no indication of travel going back to normal, they have to contend with that for longer. 

This can ultimately lead couples to question whether they can sustain the relationship for longer. Some fear that prolonged separation can cause them and their partner to drift apart. There is also the constant need to check in what your partner is doing, which might not be to everyone’s liking. 

COVID-19 romantic relationships: Living in during the pandemic

Meanwhile, married couples and unmarried ones who are living in found themselves in a different situation during the pandemic. You might think that being together during these times is the best way to go. But being locked up together for several months is not easy. Here, they find themselves dealing with a variety of stressors, including: 

  • Survival: Things like the loss of jobs and income, sickness, and potential death can make couples anxious about their future together. 
  • Family dynamics: Couples are faced with the challenge of handling family matters like increased chores and kids’ schooling at home, all at once. 
  • No physical distance: At some point, couples might want some space to breathe. But the lockdown means that they have nowhere else to go. 
  • Personal differences: Being together 24/7 for a long period can make couples see their differences far more often. 

All of these stressors can significantly increase individual anxieties. When these come together, couples might end up turning against each other. These conflicts not only affect their relationship but also their kids or others they are living with. 

Image from CNN Health.

It can also come to a point where the couple might want to call it quits. According to experts, cases of divorce are on the rise during the pandemic. While divorce isn’t allowed in the Philippines, one can expect the same desire to break up due the pressure here. Some experts even warn that a second wave of the coronavirus can make the problem worse.

Maintaining your relationship during the COVID-19 pandemic

With all the issues, it seems that love and romantic relationships are doomed due to the COVD-18 pandemic. But you can still protect your relationship during these times. Here are some useful tips you and your partner can follow. 

Be kind to each other

This might seem like an obvious one but all that pressure can make couples easily forget about it. Here, you need to start with being kind to yourself. Lessen your self-criticism and always remind yourself that you can still improve. By doing so, you also create a more positive outlook for your partner. 

Once you have that positive self-image, you can better interact with your partner. What you want to do here is lessen the criticisms and pointing of fingers. Instead, assure them that they are doing alright. You also should not forget to praise your partner’s actions. This encouragement will help them cope with the various challenges. 

Seek common ground

When dealing with the various issues like home chores and work, don’t keep pushing your ideas to each other. Instead, sit down and look at these together. You will be able to find overlaps in your ideas that both of you will like. When you have come to this common ground, you will find it easier to resolve issues. 

Creating a game plan together also helps you iron out your roles in the household. This also allows you to plan your days so that you get ample time together. Additionally, you would want to have times where you are separate from each other. This gives you some breathing room even while inside the house. 

Always communicate

Whether you’re in a long-distance relationship or living together, keeping your communication lines open is crucial for the success of the relationship. Use your alone time to talk about your day. Rejoice in the funny little things that happened and discuss the issues you encounter. All of these help in keeping the intimacy going. 

Image from The Daily Tribune.

You can also use this opportunity to talk about what you want. Remember that your partner is no mind reading master. Being vocal about your needs will help them attend to these. Be specific so that they can respond accordingly. But don’t be nagging, as it can be annoying. 

Keep your relationship alive during the pandemic

Whether you like it or not, the COVID-19 pandemic will put a lot of strain on your romantic relationship. But you shouldn’t just give up here. As the adage goes, love will always find a way. Follow our tips and keep your and your partner’s passion burning during these challenging times.