Post-Coronavirus Lockdown Activities To Look Forward To

Post coronavirus lockdown activities

With the coronavirus lockdown for Luzon being extended for another 15 days, many are feeling more uneasy. One way they can get their minds off the situation is by thinking about what to do once the lockdown is over. Here are the activities that you should look forward to after all of this is over.

Post-coronavirus lockdown activity no. 1: Adjusting to the new normal

Chances are, there will be a lot of changes to people’s daily lives even after the lockdown is lifted. The virus will likely remain present in the environment for a long time. As such, many of the things that you have been accustomed to during the lockdown will likely still be there after it. 

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One such thing that will likely be the norm is the idea of social distancing. It is probably the biggest thing that defined the pandemic, as people scrambled to keep a distance from each other for fear of catching the virus. After the lockdown, you should expect people to consciously or unconsciously apply it while outside. 

You will also likely do it from here on. So, be ready if you become a recipient of such treatment. Understand that many are still worried about possible transmissions and don’t get mad at them for such behavior. You should also be patient, as experts estimate that social distancing can pervade for at least a full year after the pandemic. 

Post-coronavirus lockdown activity no. 2: Working from home

The spread of the coronavirus has caused more than just health concerns. It also led to a large-scale disruption of work, as many employees were asked by their companies to work from home instead. While certain workers will return to their normal work schedules, this is expected to become the new norm for others. 

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If you are from the latter group, then you should be ready for a lot of adjustments. While the lockdown-imposed work from home gives an idea of what it feels like, doing it for a longer-term after the pandemic comes with its challenges. 

One of the adjustments you need to make is balancing work with home duties. Here, you have to set the right limitations on the things to do while at home to avoid impeding your work. For instance, you need to have everyone in the house accustomed to your work schedule so that they will not be asking you to do errands at inconvenient times. 

Additionally, you need to deal with even more distractions. The longer you become settled at home, the more distractions you will encounter. Be proactive and anticipate what kind of distractions you will encounter in the succeeding months. Don’t just look for ways to avoid these. You would also want to know how to incorporate them the right way into your daily routine, as they can help ease the stress of working from home. 

Post-coronavirus lockdown activity no. 3: Going on an outdoor trip

Once the quarantine is lifted, you can expect everyone to head out on different outdoor trips. You will also need it after being cooped inside for several weeks. Review all of the summer trips that you have planned before the lockdown and decide which ones you would still want to continue. 

Image from CNBC.

One trip to consider taking is going to the beach. More than just having that belated summer fun, a beach trip is a nice way for you to simply reconnect with nature. Alternately, you can go to a park just to get that first breath of outside air after the lockdown. 

However, much like other aspects of daily life, you should expect a lot of changes for these trips. For one, traveling might not be as easy as it once were, as travel companies will still be taking a lot of precautions to avoid spreading the virus. Be patient with these and you will still be able to enjoy your trip. 

Post-coronavirus activity no. 4: Reconnecting with friends and family

Sure, you are probably staying in touch with your friends and family through social media and online calls. But after being locked up for a month or two in your respective homes, you are all likely craving for some physical interaction. So take the opportunity to reach out to them once the lockdown is eased. 

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This could be as simple as a visit to see how they are doing. Bring some of the food they have been craving for. You can also go a step further and organize a mini get-together to celebrate being able to weather the coronavirus pandemic together. 

Enjoy life after COVID-19 lockdown ends

These activities are just some of the things you can do once the coronavirus lockdown is lifted. You will probably have other ideas of your own. Whichever you do, remember that there is still a long way before everyone can fully recover from the pandemic. Stay safe and look forward to that day. 

1 thought on “Post-Coronavirus Lockdown Activities To Look Forward To”

  1. Pingback: The New Normal After COVID-19 Lockdown: How To Cope With It - Evrythng MNL

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