Pet Travel Tips: Vacationing With your Pets

If you are a pet lover, going on a vacation with your furry friend is probably something you have always dreamed of. But pet travel can be a challenge due to a variety of factors. Here are some handy tips to ensure that you and your pet will enjoy the trip. 

Pet travel tips no. 1: Make the necessary arrangements

One thing to be aware of early is that different places have varying rules regarding pet entry. Certain establishments might let your pet in provided you meet specific requirements, while a few will have very minimal requirements. These establishments usually post the rules on their sites or social media pages but you can also call them for further clarification. 

Aside from the rules, you also need to know the amenities the places have for your pets. Some malls around Manila, for example, have special areas where you can let your pet walk around and eat. You would also want to see any nearby pet store for your furry one’s needs. 

Pet travel tips no. 2: Have the required documents. 

Health certificates are the most common documents establishments and authorities require before letting your pet in. Get your pet’s certificate at least ten days before your trip to provide enough processing time. Check the health requirements of your destinations beforehand so your pet’s vet can include these in the certificate they issue. 

Aside from a paper copy, have an electronic copy of your pet’s health certificate. This way, you can just print it as needed instead of having to carry around the paper document. Do note that some establishments require the original copy, so you still need to have it ready. 

Some places might also require other identification documents for your furry one. ID tags attached to their collars are common. You can either have the tag made or get is as part of your membership in a pet lovers’ club. 

Traveling abroad

Pet passport image from Where’s The Frenchie.

If you are traveling abroad, your destination country might have additional requirements before they let your pet cross the border. These can include: 

  • A microchip implant containing your latest contact information. 
  • Updated vaccination list (can be included in the health certificate)
  • Pet passport
  • Certification against parasites (tapeworms, ticks, fleas, etc.)
  • Quarantine documentation

Note that these requirements can also vary depending on recent events. For instance, if your home country has an increase in the number of cases for a certain disease, other countries might require you to secure relevant certifications. Contact the embassy first and check out their bulletins to know what you might need. 

Pet travel tips no. 3: Get your pet prepared for travel

Before vacationing with your pets, you also need to get them ready for the trip. If it is their first time to travel, get them accustomed to it. Bring them on short trips to help them get the hang of traveling months before the actual trip. 

Be sure to observe their behavior during those trips to see if they get anxious or agitated. Bring things that will help them calm down. As they get more used to it, you can gradually lengthen the trip you take. 

Car travel tips

Image from ASPCA.

Once your pet is used to traveling, they will be more than willing to climb and ride in the car. But you still need to make sure they will be comfortable and safe during the ride. 

  • Bring their favorite pillow or toy to give them a sense of familiarity. 
  • Buckle them up in the front seat or have them lie at the back so that they don’t wander around. 
  • Keep their heads and paws inside the car at all times. 
  • Have a stopover ever two or three hours for long drives. Let your pet relieve themselves and get some exercise before continuing.
  • Don’t leave them unattended in the car. 

Follow these tips to avoid any untoward incidents while you and your furry friend are on the road. Having a companion to hold them while you drive also helps make them more manageable. If you prefer to put your pet in a crate, be sure to secure it and make them comfortable while you drive.

Pet travel tips no. 4: Make them feel at home

A common mistake many people make when vacationing with pets is packing a lot of food. This can end up being wasted if you only stay for a few days. What you can do instead is pack pet food for the first day and just buy the rest as needed. Don’t look for specific brands. Instead, go for ingredients that match your pet’s diet. 

Once you arrive at your hotel, be sure to bring out their food and bedding first. The familiar smell will help them settle down and not run around too much. You can also use the same toys you have in the car to distract them while you unpack your other things. 

Follow these tips and enjoy vacationing with pets

The above pet travel tips will save you from all the headaches of traveling with animals. They will also help your furry friend enjoy the experience. Follow them so that you and your animal friend will have a great time.