No to No-Shape December! A Guide To Holiday Fitness

Holiday fitness

No-shape December is a popular joke about how people tend to get out of shape during the season due to all the eating. While it is a funny joke, you might not want to go down this route. Here is a holiday fitness guide to keep you in the right shape this December.

Holiday fitness tip no. 1: Plan your holiday routine

One thing to understand is that it’s not only the actual Christmas or New Year’s Day celebrations you should be concerned with. What happens during the days leading to these will have a more significant impact on your fitness for the whole season. Often, there will be a lot of holiday parties along the way where you can’t help but join in.

While you won’t be able to control when these parties and invitations to it show up, you can still anticipate then and decide what  to do. One way to go here is to list down three of your favorite holiday foods and stick to eating only these. This way, you will be less tempted to go for other foods during the parties. 

You also need to plan out your exercise routine for the season. Since you will be quite busy with all the holiday prep work and parties, you might not be able to fit in a full workout routine. What you can do is to focus on a smaller number of exercises. Pick five of your favorite exercises and schedule them during your available time. 

Holiday fitness tip no. 2: Control your feasting

Image from NASM.

One thing you should never do during the holidays is depriving yourself of the different holiday treats. This will make you more frustrated, which can lead you binge-eating later on. It can also ruin the mood for you. 

What you need to do is control how much you eat during any given occasion. The list you made above is just the first step but you need to be diligent in sticking to the diet plan. Here are some simple tips to help you. 

  • Don’t skip meals: Missing your regular mealtimes will make you hungrier by the time of the party, causing you to overeat. 
  • Use a small plate: Putting your food on a smaller plate will make it look more plentiful than it is. You also lessen the chance of overfilling it. 
  • Eat slowly: By taking bites more slowly, your brain will be able to register food intake better and alert you when you are full. 
  • Drink moderately: Stay away from too much alcohol and sugary drinks as these can add to your weight gain during the season. 
  • Say no: People will offer you different free food during the holidays. Politely say no to them if you think that you have already eaten enough. 

By doing these simple tips, you will be able to enjoy all those foods while still keeping your intake just right. Logging the foods you eat is also a good idea. This will help you get a good picture of your eating patterns during the holidays and make the necessary adjustments when you return to the regular days. 

Holiday fitness tip no. 3: Stay active

Even while you already have your holiday workout routine planned out, don’t just rely on it. You want to be as active as possible to burn all that food. You can do this by simply changing the way you do various holiday activities. 

For instance, if you are doing the groceries for Noche Buena, opt to walk or bike to the nearest store instead of hitching a ride. You can also be more physically involved in the preparations for the different parties, such as offering to run errands for family and friends. 

Take it a step further by planning or joining more outdoor activities for the season. For example, you can organize a Christmas gift-giving drive with family and friends. Or you can do a day hike/picnic trip to any of the different destinations around Manila, like the La Mesa Dam Ecopark. This is a better option than lazing around the house during the holidays. 

Holiday fitness tip no. 4: Plan your after-holiday fitness program

Image from Promedica.

Even with all the activities, you can still expect to gain a few pounds during the season. As such, be ready with your balik-alindog program. Return as early as you can to your regular exercise routine to burn off all those fats. You can also try out new activities come January for a fresh start. 

Additionally, regulate your meals again as early as you can. While there will likely be a lot of leftovers from the celebrations, you should control yourself from eating more of them. Giving them away to friends or neighbors is a great way to resist the temptation. 

Be in good shape this December with these holiday fitness tips

While it might be truer to life than you think, you should not dread no-shape December. By following the different holiday fitness tips above, you can keep your weight down to a manageable range and easily bounce back. Enjoy the holiday season while keeping your body in great shape.