New Home Hobbies Men Can Dive Into

Home hobbies for men

The plantito craze is the latest home hobby craze that is attracting the attention of Filipino men. However, not all have the knack for it, as it does require a certain amount of skill to grow those little plants. Thus, if you think you are not up to it but still want to have something to spend your time on, you’re in luck. Here’s a collection of other home hobbies that you can indulge in. 

Home hobbies for men no. 1: Baking

Okay, we all know that men should already know how to cook. But many are often more focused on the “manly” categories like meats, steaks, grilling, and roasting. If you want to improve your cooking skills, then you would want to go to the next stage: baking.

Image from Buro.

One thing that many men find challenging when it comes to baking is the required precision. It’s not that men can’t be that precise. But trying to follow a baking recipe to the letter can be challenging. This one is often what frustrates men who want to give baking a try. 

Why you should get into baking

Despite that challenge, there are a lot of benefits that you can gain from baking as a hobby. These include: 

  • Boosting your creativity: Like cooking, baking is a creative process. You will be able to exercise your artistic talent in coming up with delicious and great-looking cakes and cupcakes. 
  • Baking is a form of meditation: While you might find that required precision difficult at first, it becomes a relaxing experience once you get the hang of baking. 
  • A good source of income: Baked goods are popular snack items, meaning you will get a good return from all your effort.
  • Baking is celebratory: Cakes and pastries are associated with celebrations like birthdays and holidays. That feeling of making something for those celebrations is very fulfilling.

All these reasons should be enough for you to get your hands into making your first cake. But don’t rush in. try going with simple recipes first, like cookies and cupcakes. You can also try those no-bake cake recipes first. These recipes will let you get the hang of the precise measurement and mixing of ingredients before getting into the actual baking process. 

Home hobby for men 2: Knitting and sewing

Knitting and sewing are another set of activities associated more with women. But men will also find these two good practical home hobbies to get into. You not only get to use them for repairing your clothes but also for creating unique shirts, scarves, and other clothing items for yourself and your family.

Home hobbies for men knitting
Image from The Telegrah.

Another great thing about learning how to sew is that you don’t need to spend a lot. There is probably already a sewing kit at home that you haven’t touched before. Get this one out and start learning the basic types of stitches. You can experiment on some of your worn clothes and use your new skills to make them more presentable again. 

Getting into knitting

With knitting, you will need to invest a little to get all the things that you will need. If you are not sure of what to get, go through some instructional videos first. You can also ask a friend who knows how to knit to teach you how to choose the right yarns and needles.

Another thing that you would want to pay attention to is what to knit. Here, try doing a dishcloth first. These use repetitive stitches and will be good practice when you are learning the basic stitches. As for the patterns, there are plenty of these that you can download online for free.

Home hobbies for men no. 3: Boost your computer skills

The right kind of computer skills has become vital in different jobs nowadays, either directly or as a soft skill. But if you don’t have time to enroll in formal classes, you can instead turn it into a home hobby and learn at your own pace. There are thousands of online tutorials and courses that you can subscribe to right at home. As for what skills to focus on, here are a few suggestions.

Image from Get Smarter.


Since computer code underlies everything from websites to mobile apps, learning how to write your own will give you a lot of edge at work. Of the many different coding languages that you can delve into, Python and C++ are two of the most popular for beginners. Be ready, though, as you will have to push your problem-solving and math skills a bit to master writing your code.


Photoshop and other advanced image editing software are not just limited to enhancing photographs. You can learn how to use them for creating digital art. From there, it is easier to branch out to the larger field of graphic design, which is very lucrative.

Video editing

The popularity of vlogging nowadays makes knowing how to edit videos a handy skill. You can use it either for your personal projects or for clients. Do note that you would need to have the right kind of equipment if you want to pursue it more seriously. 

Home hobbies for men no. 4: New home workouts

Okay, you might already have a workout routine that you follow. But that doesn’t mean you can’t try a new one. The idea here is that the more varied the workouts you do, the better your body adapts. You also make your workout sessions less boring. Here are a few suggestions you can consider.


Image from Yoga Harmony.

Yoga might be more associated with women but men can also get a lot of benefits from it. For one, it is an effective way to relieve yourself of stress. You can also improve your health significantly through regular practice. Getting into yoga is easy since there are tons of useful resources online you can take advantage of. 


Image from City Academy.

This one is another workout routine that many guys might not be into but it does a lot of wonders for our body. Aside from the health benefits, you improve a lot on your body coordination. Dancing is also a great activity to do with your partner, especially if you are learning classic styles like tango or salsa. If you feel like you aren’t cut out for it, you could explore fitness dance instead. 

Men, get yourselves going with these fun home hobbies

This list is just the tip of the various home hobbies that men can indulge in during their spare time. We suggest that you try getting into one of these hobbies every few months. You are sure to find one that you would want to commit to eventually. Do that and you will have a great time while staying at home.