Makeup for Men: Getting Started In Beautifying Yourself

makeup for men

Wearing makeup has traditionally been seen as a women’s domain. But there is a growing trend of men finally discovering how it can enhance their looks. Curious about it? Then get ready, as we will introduce you to the world of makeup for men and how you can use it yourself.

Why men are reluctant to wear makeup

To get started on this topic, it would be a good idea to delve into the reasons why most men are reluctant to use makeup. The biggest reason here is, of course, the gender divide. As have already been said, makeup is more associated with women. Thus, men feel like wearing even just a thin layer of foundation might make them look too effeminate. 

Image from Ancient Pages.

It is interesting to note that makeup for men was not always seen in a negative light. In ancient civilizations like Egypt and Rome, men wore these to enhance their looks. The practice was even present up to Elizabethan times. However, as the gender divide became more prominent, the practice became less common. 

It’s only in the last few decades that the trend is making a comeback, as the once strict gender norms start to break. New trends in the entertainment scene, such as the popularity of Asian boy bands, influenced the resurgence of male cosmetics. However, there is still a large portion of the male populace who are reluctant to embrace the new trend. 

The benefits of makeup for men

At this point, you are probably asking what benefits you can gain from wearing makeup. And as it turns out, there are plenty. The first benefit that you get is greater confidence in your looks. If you had severe acne during your teens, for instance, it can be unpleasant to look at the marks left behind on your face. Good makeup will conceal these blemishes, helping you walk outside without worrying about your appearance. 

Image from 14 Ideas.

Makeup is also great for concealing age marks and lines. It makes them a good option for older men who don’t want to go with costly treatments. And with a skillful application, they can look a few years younger 

Another benefit of using makeup is that it can protect your skin when going outside. It provides a thin layer that will block dust and other irritants from getting into contact with your skin. Do note that this isn’t full-on protection but you will find it still useful during a long day outside.

Buying makeup for men

The biggest challenge for guys wanting to buy makeup for themselves is knowing exactly what to get. Since this is a new experience, it can be confusing going through all the different products in the market. As such, these simple considerations will help you in your shopping

Know what you need

Image from Inside Look.

When men think of makeup, they often think that you need to wear a lot of products at a given time. This is another reason that they become reluctant to get into it. But you can get away with just a few essentials on your face. Here are the ones that you would want to grab first.

  • A concealer: This makeup product will help you hide blemishes and dark circles under your eyes. It also helps even out different skin colors on your face.
  • Finishing powder: if your skin is too shiny, this product will apply a matte finish to your skin that reduces that shininess. It also reduces the appearance of pores.
  • Color corrector: this product is great for managing your skin color to make it more consistent and appealing. 

What’s great about these three products is that you can wear them discreetly. With that, you don’t have to worry about someone noticing that you have makeup on. As for other makeup items, wear them only as needed for a given occasion. This way, your skin won’t feel too constricted all the time. 

Match the shade of your skin correctly

To make your makeup stand out less, you need to match it with your exact skin color. Here, you would want to test it first before making a purchase. Ask for assistance from the store clerk in choosing the shade closest to your skin tone. Apply some on your skin and go to the nearest corner to see how it looks.

Image from Tumblr.

What you want to see here is if the makeup blends into your skin color. If you still see a strip of makeup, then it might be either a bit lighter or darker. From there, you can test the next shades based on your observations. 

One thing to keep in mind here is that your skin shade can be different at different times of the year. For instance, your skin tone during the summer season might be darker than what it is during the latter half of the year. As such, it would be a good idea to buy two shades based on your needs. You might need to do a bit of guesswork for the other shade since you won’t be able to determine it until actual use.

Applying makeup for men

When doing it for the first time, applying all that makeup might seem a daunting task. But don’t worry, as you don’t need to have a professional makeup artist by your side when doing this. Here are some quick tips on how you can apply everything without looking like a mess.

Prepare the face

Like women, men want their eyes to be the focus of attention. For that, you would want to give it a bit of preparation, especially your under-eyes. Use a cleansing cloth to wipe your face, particularly under your eyes. Once you are done, apply some eye gels for 10 minutes. This will help relax puffy eyes. To get rid of dark circles around your eyes, use a fast-absorbing eye cream

For the rest of your face and neck, apply some moisturizing lotion. The moisturizer you use depends on what you are applying on top. For instance, if you are using a concealer, go for a moisturizer with a rich hydrating formula. Squeeze just enough to cover the pad of your ring finger. Start applying under your eyes and work outwards. Repeat the process for other areas of your face and neck. 

Applying your concealer

When applying your concealer, do so with light coverage. After all, you don’t want to make it obvious that you are wearing one. Use the applicator to apply a small dab of concealer on blemishes and red spots. Put a dab on your cheeks as well.

Image from Men’s XP.

Now, use your ring finger to pat the concealer onto your skin until it disappears. Use repeated motions to spread the concealer into other areas of your face. Be sure to pay special attention to the areas around your eyes to bring out its look.

Adding the finishing touches

Before applying additional makeup, look at yourself in a mirror. Assess how well you have put the concealer and whether it has hidden most of the blemishes. You might also want to take a photo of yourself under natural light to see if it looks just about right.

To make your eyes pop a bit more while still maintaining its natural look, apply a dotted line of eyeliner on your upper and lower eyelash line. This will make it look less drawn. Cap it off by applying a thin layer of lip balm. This keeps your lips moisturized.

Make yourself stunning by using makeup for men right

As you can see, there is nothing for guys to worry about when it comes to makeup for men. When used right, it can even enhance your looks considerably. Take the step and discover how you can add it to your grooming routine