Lockdown Meditation Exercises To Keep You Stress-Free

Lockdown meditation exercises

With all the issues brought about by the current COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting month-long community quarantine, a lot of people are understandably on the edge. If not resolved, such tension can result in conflicts in the house. Luckily, you can ease those stresses through meditation. Here are some great lockdown meditation exercises to keep you sane and thinking straight during these times. 

Lockdown meditation exercise no. 1: Morning breathing exercise

Starting your mornings the right way is an effective strategy to get your mind off the dreariness of lockdown days. This meditation exercise is intended for that, helping you get into the positive vibe the first thing you wake up. 

To start the routine, don’t quickly rise from your bed. Instead, slowly settle into a sitting position with your arms on your lap and your knees in a bent position. Think of an activity that you are looking forward to accomplishing for the day. Note that this doesn’t need to be a major task. Even something as simple as preparing some snacks will work for this. 

Image from WellAndGood.com.

While you are focusing on the thought, take a deep breath. Slowly inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Repeat this for 20 counts. To better immerse yourself in the exercise, use your other senses to “feel” the image. Imagine not just what you see but also hear and smell during this task. After the 20 counts, gradually let the image fade away and start your routine. 

Lockdown meditation exercise no. 2: Do some gardening

While this might be an odd choice, tending to a garden can be a surprisingly good lockdown meditation activity. Gardening activities help lower your blood pressure, creating a more relaxed feeling. The idea of being able to grow your own food also lessens the stress of thinking about where to get additional food during the lockdown. 

Image from Desertification.

But you will likely be curious about how to start doing this. As with other more traditional meditation techniques, the trick is finding the gardening type you are most comfortable with. If it is your first time growing plants, go for crops that are easier to work with like calamansi or tomatoes. You can also go a different route and focus on growing flowers if that’s more of your interest. 

Another nifty trick when using gardening as a lockdown meditation exercise is to get rid of the gloves altogether. According to several studies made by researchers from the University of Bristol, certain bacteria found in soil work like antidepressants. These increase the rate at which your body secretes serotonin, known as the “happiness hormone,” giving you a more positive disposition. 

As you become more immersed in gardening work, you also become more curious about how to improve your crops. This makes you more mindful of your surroundings while searching for answers. You also learn to temper your expectations and be more accepting of your current situation. This, in turn, makes you more comfortable with the lockdown. 

Lockdown meditation exercise no. 3: Self-massage

With all the stress brought about by the lockdown, you would often feel like getting a massage. But since all the spas and massage centers are closed, a self-massage is the next best thing. You can do this anywhere, making it a great relaxation exercise whether you are working or resting. 

Image from Paintopia.

When giving yourself a massage, start by kneading the back of your neck and shoulders. Form a loose fist and roll it swiftly up and down the sides and back of your neck. Afterward, move your thumb in a circular motion around the base of your skull. Repeat the motion with your other fingertips to massage your entire scalp. After this, use two or three fingers to lightly tap your scalp. Start From the front and move towards the back, then to the sides. 

To massage your face, use your thumb or fingertips to trace small circles at different parts of your face. Pay attention to your temples, forehead, and jaw. To massage your nose, use your middle finger. Start from the bridge and gradually work towards your eyebrows and temples. 

Finish the massage by closing your eyes. You then cup your hands loosely around your face and inhale and exhale slowly. From there, open your eyes. 

Lockdown meditation exercise no. 4: Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a great strategy to keep yourself focused on the present instead of worrying about future events. This helps you feel less anxious about what will happen next. With the uncertainty about the future of the COVID-19 pandemic, you will appreciate the effects more. 

Begin your meditation sessions by sitting on a comfortable chair in an area where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and focus on something such as your breathing or an object on your hand. Feel the specific details, such as the movement of air through your nostrils or the texture of the object. 

In case other thoughts come into your mind, don’t try to ignore them. Instead, just let them pass through you and keep your focus on the activity. You should also not be worried about your progress in the exercise. Do the meditation for at least 10 minutes and gradually return to your initial state. 

Free your mind of the coronavirus lockdown with these exercises

To make these lockdown meditation exercises more effective, you need to make them part of your daily routine. Luckily, the current situation also gives you plenty of time to do that. Practice these exercises and you will soon feel better when the lockdown is finally lifted.