Household Items That Double As Workout Equipment


With the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and the general community quarantine in place, gyms are either closed or operating under strict conditions. So, most fitness enthusiasts have decided to remain confined in their respective homes for a good workout. For sure, many will have a problem accessing a bench press, squat rack, weight machines and other equipment. Still, there is no reason to fret! You might already have some great alternatives right at your fingertips. Here are several household items that you can use to get in a satisfying sweat session.


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Towels are often utilized when you are profusely sweating after a tiring exercise or about to take a shower as part of your post-workout routine, but have you ever thought of using it to break a sweat? Believe me, whether it is a bath or hand towel, this simple object can elevate your home fitness experience to new heights.

For one, towels serve as a good alternative for sliders. This makes exercises such as body saw, glider single-leg slide and glider single-arm wheelbarrow possible. It can also work as a substitute for a yoga mat and resistance band to amp up some of your bodyweight routines. Seasoned lifters and calisthenics practitioners, who are looking to expand their pull-up circuit, can also challenge their grip strength and stability through towel pull-ups.

Rubbing alcohol containers

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Rubbing alcohol has seen a spike in demand for the past several months. After all, it has become one of the primary weapons to combat the dreaded coronavirus. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that most households have already stockpiled and emptied gallon after gallon of alcohol. Instead of disposing the used containers, incorporate it as dumbbells for your strength training by simply filling it up with water based on desired weight.

With a number of containers on hand, you can have a makeshift dumbbell set at your disposal, which is important if you want to promote the principle of progressive overload in your home fitness program.


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There is no denying that a sturdy chair is a great tool for resting, but it can also double as an exercise equipment. You can even come up with a full-body regimen centered on this item alone. A few of these exercises include the incline and decline push-ups, elevated mountain climbers, seated hip thrust and chair dips, which will target several muscles of your upper body, on top of Bulgarian split squats and assisted calf raises for your legs.

For safety measure, always make sure that the chair you will be using is stable enough to handle your bodyweight under immense amount of pressure.


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Arguably the most common load carrier for outdoor activities, almost everyone has a backpack within reach. Nowadays though, this reliable item probably sits idle on a corner while you continue ticking away the long hours of self-isolation. But it can actually come in handy in your fitness journey.

Fill it with books or any object that will make it heavier and strap it on your back. With that, you have a substitute for a weighted vest to improve the effectiveness of your go-to calisthenics exercises. It’s easy to store and discard items inside it as well so you have the freedom to change the weight as you see fit.


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A broomstick, which is primarily used for cleaning, actually has the makings of a solid workout tool. Thanks to its long and stout handle, it allows you to perform stick mobility and stretching exercises.

It also functions as an accompaniment, elevating the purpose of a backpack from being just a weighted vest. How? Well by placing the broomstick through the padded straps of a bag, it provides an alternative for a barbell. It has its limitations, of course, but still, you can perform a wide range of exercises such as barbell upright rows, bicep curls and shoulder shrug, to name a few.

Not only that, with the help of two chairs, the broomstick also serves as the bar which will allow you to perform inverted rows, a great progression towards mastering one of the most basic-yet-effective exercises in the pull-up.


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Another household object that can help you get that progressive overload are buckets. Often employed for laundry and cleaning purposes, it serves as an alternative for dumbbells since it can hold large amount of water. Recent models of this item also provides hand-friendly handles, exerting less tension to your palm when lifting.

With this, you can perform farmer’s carry, bicep curls, single-leg Romanian deadlifts and other exercises that will surely make you sweat buckets!


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In a country where the sport of basketball is almost treated as a religion, it is not hard to believe that a Filipino household has a ball in possession. So if you’re trying to get creative in hopes of increasing the intensity of your push-up regimen, then this item will do the trick.

All you need to do is assume a standard push-up position before placing the ball in between your hands and the ground. From there, tighten your core and execute the exercise until failure. Trust me, your chest will feel the burn!

Lack of proper equipment is never enough of a reason not to stay in shape, especially since the prolonged quarantine period can cause bad health habits such as stress eating. Amid all the concerns brought about by the pandemic, it is critical to remain engaged in a fitness routine, which will keep your immune system strong to fend off the disease. Furthermore, working out can help you relieve stress and cope up with adversity.

In these trying times, put a premium on health and on other things that will improve your lifestyle. So, what are you waiting for? Take that first step in your home fitness journey!