Home Workouts: Simple Chair Exercises To Get You Fit

When doing home workouts, you often think that you need to have those bulky exercise machines. But even regular home items, like the humble chair, can be handy as impromptu workout equipment. Here are some great chair exercises that will get you fit while at home. 

Chair exercises no. 1: Yoga twists

A common mistake many people make when doing trunk exercises is that they don’t do a lot of waist rotations. Often, they just work the spine forwards and backwards. This exercise is designed to help you solve that and improve the blood flow in that part of your body. Additionally, you can improve your back movement by stimulating the release of synovial fluid. 

Image courtesy of Rishikul Yogshala.

To start, sit with your back an inch away from the back of the chair. Lift your arm and bring it to the other side of the chair. Hold onto the side or top of the backrest. Slowly twist your upper body towards the hand. Hold the position for three seconds, then return to your starting position for three seconds. Repeat the move for the other side. Do ten repetitions on each side and repeat the whole routine twice a day.

Chair exercises no. 2: Trunk and hip stretch

Image courtesy of The Healthy.

This is another great exercise for your upper body, with a focus on your hips and abdomen. Begin the exercise by sitting straight up, with your back slightly touching the chair’s backrest. Your hands should be at your sides. Raise one arm overhead and bend your body towards the opposite side. Return to your starting position and bring your arms back down. Do 10-12 reps for each side. Finish by raising both of your arms and bend your body straight back. 

For the hip stretch, sit upright in a similar position as above. Cross one of your legs over the other. Gradually pull your knee towards the opposite shoulder. You can also do a figure 4 stretch by resting your ankle on top of the other knee. Keep your back straight and slowly lean your body forward. 

When doing these exercises, be mindful of your body’s range of motion. Overstretching your hips or knees can put too much stress on the tissues, leading to injuries. At worse, you might also tear them. 

Chair exercise no. 3: Tricep dips

If you sit a lot at work, this is another quick exercise you can squeeze into your routine. It targets both the triceps and upper back muscles. This is particularly good for the former since the triceps often receive less attention than the biceps in arm exercises. 

Image courtesy of VeryWell Fit.

Before starting, place a chair in a large space. Make sure the chair you use is sturdy and would not easily move. A heavy one would be good for this purpose. 

  1. Sit on the chair with your arms at the side and your feet flat on the ground. 
  2. Position your palms at the front of the seat and grip the edge. 
  3. With your hands supporting your weight, push your body forward until your buttocks are hanging over the floor. 
  4. Slowly lower your body until your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle. Breathe in as you lower your body.
  5. Gradually extend your arms and push your body back up to your starting position. Breathe out as you push. 

Do 10-15 repetitions for a set and do at least two sets during your first try. As you get accustomed to the exercise, you can either add more reps per set or increase the sets you do. 

Chair exercise no. 4: Arm exercises

Simple arm exercises are another set of home workouts you can do on a chair. You can do these while taking a break from work or just sitting idly for a while. These are great not just for working your muscles but also relieving the strain from them. 

Arm stretches

To do arm stretches, bring your right arm across your body to the left. Support it in the crook of your left elbow. Reach out to the left as far as you can without twisting your waist and hold the position for a few seconds. Repeat the stretch for the other arm while keeping both of your arms straight. Do several more reps for each side before returning to a resting position. 

Arm circles

Image courtesy of Working Mother.

Start with the usual sitting position with your back straight and your knees bent at 90 degrees. Raise your arms to the sides and touch your shoulders with your fingers. Roll your arms backward in a continuous circular motion without moving any other part of your body. Do 40 reps of the exercise.

Enjoy these home workouts you can do with a chair

The chair exercises listed here prove that you don’t need to have fancy equipment just to keep in shape. All you need is that determination to get fit and you can turn your home into a gym. Try these workouts for yourself and get that toned body.