Home Library: Building Yours On A Budget


Getting your kids to be avid readers at an early age will have a good influence in their later years. And a great way to get them started is by having a home library. But how do you go with that project? Here is a guide to help you set up your library and get everyone reading. 

Can you really build a home library?

When you hear the word “home library,” your first thoughts are probably a large room with ceiling-high shelves holding hundreds of books. Because of this grand image, many get put off from undertaking the project. They reason out that they don’t have the money to spend on such a lavish room. And even if they do, they would be better off spending it on other things. 

In reality, you don’t need a lot of cash to build your library. You can start with a small shelf and gradually build from there. You also don’t need to get a ton of books right away. A few books that you are interested in is a good start, and you can gradually build on your collection throughout the years. 

Image from Parent Map.

As for whether the project would be worth the money you are spending, it is. Raising your kids to be avid readers offers a lot of benefits, including: 

  • Boosting their cognitive development
  • Improving their language skills
  • Improving their imagination and creativity
  • Creating a bonding moment for you and your kids

All of these benefits will have a lasting impact on your kids’ lives and will help them become more successful. With that, even a small amount you spend on your home library will go a long way. 

Getting books for your home library

The first step to do is getting the books for your home library. Here, you need to decide what kind of book collection you want to build. Are you looking to teach your kids about different subjects? Or are you also interested in a more casual reading experience? Note that you would still want to have a bit of flexibility. But these questions will help you narrow down your initial list. 

You also need to consider the budget that you want to provide for the project. Note that this is not only for the books but also for the shelves and a few other stuff you might need for the room. Sp be ready to adjust the list of books you want to fit your budget. 

Sourcing your books

While you will likely buy a large part of your home library collection from bookstores, there are still other sources you can get them from. These options are great since you can get your books at a lower cost. Additionally, you can stumble upon a great find in any of them. 

Used book stores

If you are not picky for the condition of your books, you would want to dreop by used book stores. Here, you will find a lot of good books at low prices. Keep in mind that you might not find what you want if you are looking for specific titles. Most of the used books you will find in popular stores like Booksale are in good condition. There are even brand new ones that are part of the old stock from other stores. 

Thrift stores

Thrift stores offer fewer choices than full-fledged used book stores but they are still worthy spots to check out. The condition of the books might also be a bit less ideal, especially if you are searching in a smaller store. But these are the cheapest places that you can rummage for good fiction titles. 

Book fairs

Image from Vigattin Tourism.

While you will not always encounter a book fair or related event in your area, you should visit one if you have the chance. The Manila International Book Fair, for example, carries several thousands of volumes annually. Many publishers from here and abroad are present, so you are sure to find specific titles you want. This year, the fair is being held online, so you can buy your books wherever you are.

Online stores

Speaking of buying books online, this is a good option during these times when outdoor travel is still restricted. Many popular stores like National Book Store and Fully Booked already have their own sites where you can order your books. Additionally, if you course your order through e-commerce sites like Lazada or Shoppee, you get discounts on shipping fees. 

Book swaps

Swapping books with others is not only a great way to get new titles but also give away books  you don’t need. You can exchange with friends who might have the titles you want. Many organizations also sponsor book swapping events that you can join in. 

Setting up your home library

Whether it’s a whole room or just a small nook in the living room, you need to make the home library space more conducive to reading. Here, everyone must be able to quickly grab the book that they want and read at their leisure. You might also want to make the space suitable for other tasks, such as study sessions


Proper lighting is vital to make it easier for people to read. Use a large overhead lamp to provide bright general lighting for the whole space. If you are putting in a desk or two, add a desk lamp. This is useful for giving your kids additional focused light for reading or doing their assignments. 


Image from The New York Times.

To accompany your reading desk, choose a comfortable chair. Make sure that both the desk and the chair suit the users. For instance, if the libraryi is also going to be a kids’ study, go for the right sized set. Space the individual reading areas so that each reader will have some privacy during their reading sessions. 


When it comes to book storage for your home library, you don’t need to have a fancy bookshelf. Even those simple plastic shelves that you can get for a few hundred pesos would be suitable for the job. But make sure that these would be sturdy enough to hold the weight of the books. 

Image from HomedIt.

You also need to pay attention to the arrangement of your books. Place your kids’ books in the lower levels of your shelves. This way, they can grab their books whenever they want. Meanwhile, your own books would be at the upper shelves to also make it easy for you to get whatever you want to read without having to crouch.  


Having the right ambiance for the library area will help a lot in encouraging your family members to grab something to read. A simple way to do that is placing throw pillows in the seats. This will give additional comfort to the kids, especially if they would be reading for a long time. 

Adding a few pieces of decoration also helps the overall look. You can even make these decorations serve a function. A whiteboard with colorful characters on its borders would delight your kids and will be handy during their distance learning sessions. You can also throw in a small desktop organizer to personalize the look. 

Build your library at home and get everyone reading

Setting up and growing your home library does require a lot of effort. But it can also be a rewarding experience, as you get to see your family become more engrossed in reading. Get started today and watch your book collection and learnings grow.