HIIT Workouts: Get Fit In A Short Time


Getting to do more workouts is every health buff’s dream. But not everyone has all the time for those workouts. This is where HIIT workouts are a great option. Let’s take a look at how this workout type goes and how you can get into it. 

What are HIIT workouts?

Short for high-intensity interval training, HIIT workouts are a relatively new form of workout routine that consists of short bursts of high-intensity exercises. You do these exercises between long periods of low to medium-intensity movements. HIIT workouts are typically short, no more than 30 minutes long at a given time. 

This combination of high and low-intensity workouts lets you work out at the top of your aerobic capacity, increasing your metabolism. According to studies, the workout routine can get your heart rate up to 80% of its maximum capacity.

The benefits of a HIIT workout

Because of the way it works, a HIIT workout lets you gain the results of longer exercise sessions at a shorter time. That makes it a good option for those who want to squeeze more exercise time into their busy schedules. Some of the other benefits that you get from this type of workout include: 

Burn calories faster

Image from Vixen Daily.

The increased metabolic rate that HIIT workouts generate lets your body burn fats faster than regular exercise routines. Research reveals that this type of workout burns 25%-30% more calories than other exercises. You also get to maintain that higher metabolic rate for hours longer. That means that you burn those calories even long after you are finished working out. 

Those who are trying to lose weight will find that sustained higher metabolic rate useful. Here, you can lose as much as 2 kgs of body fat in just 12 weeks through exercise alone. Additionally, you get to see a 17% reduction of visceral fats. These are the fats surrounding your internal organs that can contribute to diseases. 

Build your muscles

While not primarily a muscle-building workout, a HIIT workout can still contribute to muscle growth. Note that the increase typically happens in the muscles that you are using most often. The increase in muscle mass would also be more prominent for those who are less active. Nevertheless, you can use it as a supplement for weight training. 

Improves heart rate and blood circulation

Image from Iconic Health Clubs.

One study has found out that just eight weeks of HIIT exercises on a stationary bike decreased blood pressure by as much as traditional continuous endurance training. Alongside this reduced blood pressure, HIIT workouts can help your body consume oxygen better. This improved ability to take in oxygen is vital for increasing your stamina and the ability to do more strenuous tasks during the day. Additionally, such workouts can reduce the amount of blood sugar significantly. That is vital, particularly for those who are prone to diabetes. 

The HIIT workouts that you can do at home

The great thing about these workouts is that they are relatively short. Most of the longest ones are no more than 30 minutes long. Other workout routines range from 5 minutes to 20 minutes. What more, you don’t need any equipment for these workouts. All of these exercises use only your body weight. That means you can do it anywhere, even in the living room.

5-minute HIIT workout

This quick workout is good for boosting fat loss. It comprises nine simple moves that you do for 30 seconds each. After 30 seconds, you quickly switch to the next one. You can take 30-second breaks at any moment you feel you need to. 

Fast low step running

Images from Everyday Health.

Use a small wide stool or box. Quickly step with your right foot into the stool and step down again. Do the same with your left foot. Repeat for 30 seconds, going as fast as you can. You can pump your arms to work them out as well. 

Basketball jumps


Start in a standing position and bend your upper torso forward. Take a long step towards the right using your right foot. Now, step the left foot in and spring up on both your feet. Repeat the move for the left side of your body. Alternate between sides for 30 seconds.      

Fast feet shuffle


Start with your right foot and run three steps to the right. Stick the last step and put your weight on the right leg. Push off and step with your left leg and repeat the steps. Make sure that you follow a certain rhythm. 

Jumping jacks

Stand with your body straight and your feet shoulder length apart. Jump and swing your arms overhead. Land with your feet and return to your starting position. Repeat as many jumps as you can for 30 seconds. 

Knee push-ups

Get into a kneeling position and walk your arms forward until your hands are at your shoulders. Straighten your arms and keep your face looking at the floor. Bend your arms and gradually lower your chest until it nearly touches the floor. Straighten your arms again to raise your chest. Make as many repetitions as you can in 30 seconds. 

Plyometric lunge


Begin by putting your right foot forward. Now, drop down into a lunge, keeping your back straight. Using the heel of your front foot, push your body up into a jump. While in mid-air, switch your legs and bring your left foot forward and right foot back. Repeat the jumping and switching as many times as you can. 

High knee with a twist


To do this exercise, you run in place, bringing your knees up to hip height. At the same time, twist your upper body towards the knee that you raised. Repeat the motion from side to side as many times as you can. To increase the resistance, try bringing your knees higher. 

In and outs

Begin in a high plank position. Jump both your feet forward towards your chest, then jump them back into a full extension. It would be a good idea to begin at a slower pace as you get used to the move. From there, slowly increase the pace and the number of reps you do. 

Lunge kicks


Do a reverse lunge, putting your right leg behind you while bending your left knee forward. Draw your right leg back up. At the same time, kick your left leg forward. Be sure to lean your body back to work your abs. Do as many repetitions on one side for 30 seconds before repeating the move on the other side. 

15-minute full-body HIIT workout

This workout routine only has five different exercises. But you will do three sets of each move. Perform each exercise in succession to complete a set. You rest for 20 seconds in between each exercise. The exercises are simple variations of common exercises.   

Up and out jacks

This is similar to regular jumping jacks except that you swing your arms forward after swinging them up. Repeat for 40 seconds. 

Pust up and tap combo

Do a single push up then tap your shoulders with your hands. End with a jumping jackal motion using your legs. Repeat for 40 seconds.

In and out squat hops

Get into a squat position. Jump up and straighten your body, landing with your feet together. No, jump again and land into a squat position. Swing your arms forward to keep your balance. Repeat for 40 seconds. 

Inchworm bear hops

Start in a standing position. Hop and drop into fours. Walk your hands forward until you are in a high plank position. Hop your feet towards your chest and hop back. Stand back to the starting position and repeat the whole motion for 40 seconds. 

Boxer burpee

In a standing position, do a left and right punch. After that, bend your body down until your hands touch the floor. Spring your feet backward and hop forward again. Return to a standing position and repeat the motion for 40 seconds. 

Keep your body well-toned with these HIIT workouts

These HIIT workouts will work with any body type and skill level. So, you can readily jump into them whenever you want to. And there are other such routines that you can do to suit your preferences. Check them out and add them to your workout regimen to get that nice sculpted body you always wanted.