Effective Balik-Alindog Tips To Start 2020 Right

Balik-alindog tips

With all the eating you did during the holidays, you can expect to gain at least a few pounds. And for the health and figure-conscious folks, losing all that weight will be a priority in the next few months. Here are some handy balik-alindog tips to start your year right. 

Balik alindog tips: no. 1: Set your targets weight right

Setting a specific target weight is always a good idea to keep yourself on track. But you need to be realistic in the target weight you choose. Consider the level of activity that you currently do and decide whether it would suffice for the weight you want to lose. If you think it doesn’t, lower that target weight by at least a third. 

You also don’t need to get that ideal weight right away. Instead, aim to reach at least 10% of that. This way, your body will be able to better adjust to the routine. You will also be more motivated to continue once you start seeing that small gain. 

Balik-alindog tips no. 2: Re-adjust your eating habits

You can’t be faulted for treating the holidays as one massive cheat period and eating to your heart’s content. But once that’s over, it’s time to re-adjust your eating habits to healthier ones again. This can be a bit hard even for some who are used to shifting diets. 

Image from India Times.

The first thing you want to do is cut down the amount of food you take. Trimming down around a third of your usual intake during the holidays is a good way to go. As is with the above, don’t try to go at it all at once. Gradually lessen your intake until you get to the desired number. Remind yourself of this actively by getting only a small amount of food into your plate every time. 

A downside of cutting down on your food intake after the holidays is that you end up feeling hungry often. To compensate for this, you can eat more frequently throughout the day. The trick is to space out your meals. Take them at least 3-4 hours in between to give your body enough time to digest the food. Also, make sure your meals are rich in the right vitamins and minerals to ensure that you still get nourished. 

Balik alindog tips no. 3: Switch to the right food

A nifty trick to boost your weight loss is by adding more spices to your food. These spices make you sweat more and help burn out fats. Use these spices on some of your favorite dishes to add flavor and get that kick. Note that you will need to experiment a bit to see how much will make you sweat without being too hot. 

Image from Manila Livewire.

It would also be the time to switch to different food groups. Look back at the kinds of foods you have consumed during the holidays and see what you can change. If you were eating a lot of carbs, switch to more green leafy vegetables and healthier meat options like chicken meat. 

This also means that you have to dispose of your leftovers as soon as possible. Keeping them in the fridge will tempt you to go back and eat them. You can still eat a bit of these but be sure to exercise control. 

Balik-alindog tip no. 4. Sneak in exercise opportunities

One challenge to any balik-alindog program after the holidays is that it also means you are back to the daily grind. As such, your schedule might once again not permit you to go to the gym for a full workout. What you can do then is to go for small exercise routines that don’t need  any special equipment. 

Chair exercises are one such category of simple workouts you can do anywhere. They are especially great if you sit for prolonged periods and want some stress reliever. While these exercises won’t give you that big of a calorie burn, they are still a good complement to your main workout and help speed up your weight loss. 

Balik-alindog tip no. 5 Just be active

With all the prep work you did during the holidays, it might be tempting to laze around a bit more. But if you are really serious with your balik-alindog program, you need to keep moving to burn your fats more. 

Go around the house and do as much physical labor as you can. Doing a post-holiday cleaning spree can be as effective as a day in the gym. You would also want to take advantage of errands to go out of the house for a short walk or jog. Additionally, lend a hand to neighbors during the weekends for that bit of extra workout. 

Image from Wedding Bee.

Return to a shapely you with these tips

These balik-alindog tips are just some of the nifty tricks you can do to deal with post-holiday weight gain. If you are determined, doing these tips and tricks will be far easier than you think. Get started today and walk the road to a healthier you this 2020.