Christmas Vacation Activities Your Kids Will Love

Christmas vacation activities

Christmas vacation is something many kids are excited about since it would be a long break from school. But their parents are often worried that the little ones will just laze around the house for those two weeks. Here are some great Christmas break activities to keep your kids moving throughout the season.

Christmas vacation activity no. 1: Decorate the house together

Okay, this might be more of a chore but you can still get the kids involved by making it a fun one. For instance, you can ask to help in setting up the Christmas tree. They will be more than happy to hang the colorful orbs and the star on top of your tree.

Image from Mommyish.

Another way to go here is by helping them make DIY decorations. Even something as simple as cutting out star shapes for use on the wall will get them interested. Ask them what kind of decorations they want and make it with them. 

Christmas vacation activity no. 2: Cook with them

Cooking is another task that you and your kids can do together. Since there will be a lot of cooking this season, you can expect them to be very active. Make this the opportunity to teach your kids some new recipes like your own Christmas spaghetti recipe. 

Baking is a particular cooking activity kids love doing. It doesn’t even have to be for your Noche Buena. You can also do an impromptu baking session and whip out a batch of holiday treats like cookies and cupcakes. Encourage them to bring their friends over for a more fun afternoon. 

When cooking with kids, make sure to assign tasks that are appropriate for their age. Younger kids, for instance, would be more interested in the mixing of ingredients since it looks like playtime. On the other hand, older kids who might already be familiar with basic cooking would be ready for more advanced recipes. 

Another way to make cooking fun for your kids, especially the younger ones, is to add some sort of mini-games to the process. For example, you can play blindfold cookie decorating on the first batches that come out of the oven. This is a great way to have them occupied while waiting for the food to cook. You will also be able to attend to other cooking tasks while they play.

Christmas vacation activity no. 3: Do some art

Even if it is short, Christmas vacation is a great time for doing some art and crafts projects with your kids. Card making is one such craft they will enjoy. Lay out some card paper, colored paper, and decorative stickers and help them to make cards for family and friends. Ask them to write their messages to the recipients. Come Christmas, help your kid give the cards to them. 

Another craft project you and your kids can try your hands on is a homemade parol. To make your parol, follow the steps in the video below. 

Note that this project requires you to cut the materials down to size and add the lights. For safety reasons, you should do this step. On the other hand, the kids will handle the lighter work like gluing the pieces of colored paper around the star. This is a great way to let your kids express their artistic skills. 

Christmas vacation activity no. 4: Watch movies together

This particular Christmas break might seem odd since you don’t want the kids lazing around. But watching TV shows and movies with them is always a great bonding moment. The trick here is to know how you can make the movie session more worthwhile. 

Image from

Ask them what shows or movies they currently like and marathon it with them. Afterward, chat with them to know more about the show and why they like it. This is a great way for you to  connect with them and better relate to their interests.

On the other hand, the Christmas break is a great time to introduce your kids to your favorite shows such as sports and documentaries. Be ready to answer the questions that they will throw at you. If you are lucky, they might even be as interested as you are. 

Christmas vacation activity no. 4: Join local events

Your community will often have various activities lined up for the Christmas season. For instance, your local parish might be organizing a presentation for Christmas day. Or there might be a donation drive being done by an organization. 

Getting your kids to join these local events is a great way for them to socialize more with other people in the community. But you should always ask them what event they want to join to better encourage them. Being part of the event yourself is also a good idea. 

Keep your kids moving during Christmas break with these activities

Doing the activities above is not just a great way to keep your kids busy during the Christmas vacation. They will also learn a lot of new lessons and meet more people. Do these with them and both of you will have a fun experience this season.