Becoming A Delivery Rider And Earning More


With the growth of online shopping in the country, delivery riders have become even more in demand. They help deliver goods from sellers to customers in the quickest time possible, especially during this pandemic. That demand has made being a delivery rider a lucrative sideline. And if you are planning to become one, here is a useful guide on how to get the most out of the job. 

What you need to be a delivery rider

A great thing about being a delivery rider is that it’s fairly easy to get into the job. Most notably, you can already rregister if you have the right kind of delivery vehicle. Note that delivery companies have differing rules here. Angkas and GrabFood are strict with the kinds of motorbikes they allow. Others like Lalamove and FoodPanda are more lax as long as the vehicle has legal registration papers. 


Besides the vehicle requirements, many of these companies have almost the same requirements for registration. These include: 

  • A professional driver’s license
  • NBI clearance
  • Police and barangay clearance
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • A cell phone for downloading the company’s booking app

Once you have all these requirements, you can apply on the specific company’s website. The review time typically lasts from a few days to a few weeks. When you have been approved as a rider, you can start accepting bookings right away. 

The skills that you will need as a delivery rider

While anyone can sign up as a delivery rider, having the right skills can help you go a long way on the job. These skills will help you deliver packages correctly and as fast as possible. Note that, while you should have some skills right off the bat, you learn others as you do the job. 

Being detail-oriented

With all the packages you have to deliver, it can be a challenge to get everything done within the required time. This is where being detail-oriented can help a lot. By being keen on even the smaller details, you can plan your delivery trip more effectively. 

A good place to start here is with your delivery vehicle. Make sure that it is well-maintained and in good running order. Pay attention to the often-overlooked components like the tire pressure and remaining fuel. These are the ones that can often get you stranded while delivering goods. 

You would also want to plan your route more carefully. Go through the list of deliveries that you are assigned to for the day and map out the best way to accommodate every package. Don’t forget to consider things like traffic and other delays to determine the time to head out. 

Map reading skills

A related skill that you should hone is map reading. Even in this time of Waze and other electronic implements, it still pays off being able to determine locations on your own. This lets you compensate for the inaccuracies you might encounter when using electronic navigation tools. 

Image from GetOutside.

It would also help if you have a familiarity with the different locations present in your service area. Take note of the different landmarks, as these will help you determine where a recipient is faster. Going around your delivery area every once in a while helps in honing that skill. 


Doing deliveries throughout the day can be very tedious. This is especially the case if you happen to cover a large area. Being able to keep your concentration during these times helps you properly track which package is being delivered to whom. This is one of the skills that you will gradually improve on as you become more accustomed to the job. 

Communication skills

Image from

When delivering packages, you will need to be in constant touch with recipients. They will often ask why you are taking too long to reach their house. Sometimes, you will encounter customers who might be rude or irate after waiting for their packages to arrive. Being a good communicator will help you deal with these different customers and calm them down. A friendly demeanor will also aid in building a better relationship with recipients for future deliveries. 

Problem-solving skills

One thing to remember about being a delivery rider is that the drive is not going to be easy. You will encounter all sorts of problems like traffic jams and unexpected vehicle breakdowns. Here, you need to have quick thinking to come up with an effective solution to avoid significant interruptions to your deliveries. 

Tips to earn more as a delivery rider

While the income you get from being a delivery rider is already fairly good, you can still get more from it. The key here is strategizing your delivery process. Here are some simple tips to maximize your earnings. 

Tip no. 1: Land your wait times

Nailing the wait time won’t just satisfy your customers, it also increases the likelihood that you can make more deliveries in a day. As such, you want to look for ways to make them shorter. In the case of food deliveries, one trick you can do is to have multiple options to get the orders from.

Image from TopGear.

Inquire with the restaurant about how long the order will be completed. If it is beyond 10 minutes, then you might want to go to the next restaurant to see if they have shorter times. Note that you don’t always have to do this but be keen on when to use the strategy. 

Tip no. 2: Time your bookings right

This strategy applies mostly to food delivery riders. To get the most number of bookings you can, set your work times to when people eat. This is typically the hour before breakfast, lunchtime, or dinner. Be sure to have extra time to accommodate the order waiting period. 

You would also want to take in orders during special hours. This is usually the mornings of Saturdays and Sundays. By doing so, you increase the number of orders you can fulfill during the week. Additionally, you would want to watch out for holidays and special events like Christmas, where many would want to make their orders. 

Tip no. 3: Choose your coverage area wisely

Survey the coverage areas given to you and choose the location where you can expect more delivery requests. For instance, a well-populated village will likely have more customers booking riders than a less populated one. Note that different areas have different rates, so you want to get the ones that have the best rates available. Don’t forget to considedr the amount you spend on fuel and other needs versus the rate that you get for each delivery. 

Image from The Straits Times.

You would also want to work in that same area as much as possible. This gives you a greater chance to fulfill the same number of orders every time. Once you become familiar with the area, you also become more efficient and increase the orders you can take. 

Boost your earnings as a delivery rider

Your ultimate goal with being a delivery rider is to accept as many orders as possible. The tips and strategies here will ensure that you get closer to that goal when signing up. Follow them and you will be adding another great option to your income generators