All Saints’ Day Checklist: The Things You Need When Visiting The Dead

Even if it is for commemorating the dead, Filipinos highly anticipate All Saints’ Day. Millions head out to the cemeteries to also connect with their living relatives. And if you plan to join others in the sojourn, here is a checklist of the Undas essentials you should have ready.

All Saints’ Day essential no. 1: Food

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For most Filipinos, visiting the cemeteries during All Saints Day is sometimes a whole day affair. As such, you need to have enough food for the family and others who might come and pay a visit. Bring food that won’t spoil easily. Adobo of any kind is a perennial favorite. You can also bring pasta as long as it is oil-based ones like aglio et olio

If you plan on bringing food that have a short shelf life, consume these first. Make sure them are packed in containers with tight lids to prevent spillage. You can also pack them in a large cooler to keep them warm when traveling.

Cooking and utensils

In most cases, you will be bringing pre-cooked meals for your Undas stay. But you might also want to consider bringing a portable stove. You can use this not just for cooking and warming meals but also for making hot drinks. Make sure the stove you bring is according to the cemetery’s regulations. 

When it comes to plates and other eating utensils, opt for reusable ones. You will lessen the amount of trash you need to dispose of at the end of the day. Choose stackable plates and cups for easier packing. You would also want to bring at least two jugs of water. 

Also take note of the specific utensils that might not be allowed by the memorial park. Knives and other sharp implements are particularly banned in most. Consider these when deciding what food to bring. 

All Saints’ Day essentials no. 2: Candles and flowers

Lighting candles at the graves of loved ones is a common All Saints’ Day tradition but they can also add to air pollution, as such, it would be a good idea to get clean-burning ones. These are characterized by a white flame and a less “burnt” smell when used. 

When setting up the candles, light only two to three pieces. This also helps lessen the amount of melted wax park caretakers have to clean later. If you are using plastic receptacles to hold the candles, ensure that these don’t catch fire and burn. Don’t leave them behind at the end of the day. 

Choosing the right flowers. 

When it comes to flowers for your loved ones’ graves, it’s always better to go real ones instead of plastic. Not only will it be more sincere but will also lessen plastic pollutants. To avoid the rush in places like Dangwa, buy your flowers a few days earlier. 

The challenge is to keep these flowers fresh until the day. What you can do is partly submerge them in water for a few days. Another way is to buy a potted plant instead of the usual bouquet. You can even use the pot to keep the flower upright. 

All Saints Day Essentials no. 3: Other items.

Photo courtesy of Davao Life Is Here.

Since Undas is within the rainy season in the Philippines, you should expect at least a moderate shower within the day. On the flip side, staying under the sun for too long is also bad. A gazebo tent is handy for both situations. These can be easily pitched and set up by two or three people. Just make sure you have enough space and will not obstruct other people’s graves. In case you don’t have room, you can opt for large umbrellas for the same purpose. 

You also need to have at least two chairs and a small table. Go with foldable ones for easier loading and unloading. If you prefer to sit on the ground, you can bring a large picnic sheet or mats. 

Other small items

Aside from the main essentials, you might also want to bring the following items. 

  • Medications: Don’t forget the ones some of your family members might need, such as medicines for high blood pressure or maintenance drugs. 
  • Paint and paint accessories: In case you plan on touching up your loved ones’ grave. Just a small can of paint or a black marker will often do. 
  • Towels: Go with reusable towels instead of tissue paper rolls for wiping things on your space. 
  • Portable fans: Use this to cool down during the afternoon when the sun is high. Choose USB-compatible ones so that you can plug them into power banks or chargers. 
  • Garbage bags: Have at least a large one to put in all of your trash. Be sure to throw it at the proper disposal area and not leave it behind at the grave. 

The actual items you will need will depend on your specific needs for the day. As such, it would help to plan your All Saints Day trip a week ahead to iron out the details. This way, you will be able to bring only the right stuff. 

Pack the right things on your Undas trip

The All Saints Day checklist above might look like a lot of stuff but you can always tweak it based on your needs. Be sure to double-check everything before leaving so you don’t have to buy stuff while on the road. And don’t forget to have a worthwhile Undas.