Aim For The SEA Games, Pick Sports For Kids

Sports for kids

With the 30th Southeast Asian Games happening in the country from November 30 to December 11, many parents are dreaming of their kids becoming sports heroes. But getting the little ones to try out any sport can be quite challenging. Here are some handy strategies for choosing the right sports for kids and getting them more involved. 

Why sports for kids is good

There is a myriad of reasons why introducing your kids to sports early is a good idea. These range from different health benefits to valuable learning experiences. Below are some of the more notable ones. 

Develop an active lifestyle

The sudden popularity of smartphones with kids has introduced a variety of health problems. These include a higher risk of obesity, sleep disruption, and mental issues. Playing sports is a great way for kids to get away from the sedentary lifestyle and maintain a healthy body. 

Developing self-esteem

Self-esteem plays a large part in your child’s mental growth. The encouragement they get from their teammates and you helps them become more confident in their abilities. Constructive criticisms from their coaches also encourages them to learn new skills. 

Accepting failure

Sports is a great vehicle to teach your kids that losing and failing is part of life. By learning how to accept a loss, they learn how to get up and improve themselves  Being a good sport also helps them in the long run when engaging other people. 

Honing social skills

Team sports are great for teaching kids how to be part of a group and work together. They also get to meet new friends they can interact with even outside the playing field. This boosts their confidence in interacting with more people. 

Maintaining discipline

Any sport requires players to follow regulations and training routines. Here, kids learn how to maintain strict discipline at all times. They eventually get to apply this discipline in real-life situations. 

Selecting the right sports for kids

Image from Kalongkong Hiker.

It can often be tempting to get your kid into popular sports like those seen in the SEA Games. But this can end up backfiring if they do not become invested in it. As such, you need to select the right sport for them. 

Their preferences are the biggest deciding factor when choosing your kids’ sports. See first what sports interest them. They might sometimes talk about specific players and games they watched. Your kids might also associate with friends who play a certain sport. Use these cues to ask them if they want to try that sport themselves. 

In some cases, your kid might not yet be able to tell which sport they would want to do. Here, it would be a good idea to introduce them to as many sports as possible. Remember to let them try each sport freely so that they can get a better feel for it and decide if they want to continue. 

Physical and health considerations

Another important thing to consider when choosing a sport for kids is their physical fitness for it. Some sports might not be well-suited for certain body types. For example, shorter kids might be disadvantaged in a sport like basketball. 

You also need to take your kid’s fitness level into account. This is especially the case for those who don’t indulge in a lot of physical activities. This can make it hard for them to participate during the first few weeks. Have your child’s doctor do a complete physical checkup and get a clearance from them before enlisting the little ones in any sports clinic. 

One thing to keep in mind is to not shy away from the sport your kid likes because of these considerations. Remember that your goal is to simply let them experience the sport and not become a top athlete. Coordinate with coaches or trainers to find out ways your child can enjoy participating in the games. 

Keeping your kids invested in sports

Once you get your kid to try out a sport, the next big challenge is getting them to stick with it. Training with them is a great way to get them more involved. Even if you yourself are new to the sport, you can still join them in learning the basic skills. Make it a weekend activity to serve as a bonding moment for you and them. 

Participating in actual competitions is also going to be a great experience for them but don’t rush them. Instead, you should let them decide when they are ready for such competitions. Also, go for smaller events first for them to get more accustomed to participating. 

Pick the right sports for kids and let them shine

Your child might not become a bonafide SEA Games athlete in the future but getting them into sports will have a myriad of other benefits. You also get to have a great bonding moment with them as they show off their skills in the playing field. Look for the right sports for kids and have fun with your young ones.