Adopt a pet, don’t shop! Here are the reasons why.


“Adopt a pet don’t shop”. This saying and campaign being promoted by animal lovers and animal rights proponents raises an awareness on the reasons behind adopting pets rather than buying them. If you are planning to be a fur parent, you might want to consider adoption. Here are top reasons why adopting your new best friend is better.

You’re saving a life

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When you adopt, you are giving a new home and life to an animal that was once alone and sad. Not only that, you are also taking part in getting rid of an industry that promotes shortchanging of animals’ welfare.

Known as puppy and kitten mills, these are breeding facilities whose goals are to churn out as many puppies and kittens as possible for the sake of gaining more profit. The parents of these newborn babies are kept in a cage for a long time without proper medication, sanitation, and food since its sole purpose is just to breed new pets. Even if the mothers just gave birth, they are immediately forced to breed again and again.

Since these animals are not properly treated, they are usually diagnosed with illness that will only appear later on. Furthermore, animals produced in this kind of environment have problems like poor socialization skills due to lack of human love and care, and genetic disorders due to inbreeding.

In addition, statistics show in the United States that out of 6.5 million animals who enter dog shelters, 1.5 million of them are euthanized every year. The main reason for this alarming rate of killings is because animal shelters have usually small spaces and can only accommodate certain numbers of dogs and cats.

You’re spending less

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Adopting a pet is way cheaper than buying one. Depending on the shelter where you are adopting, most animals have already been spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped. Having said this, the amount you will be paying for adoption fees are far cheaper than buying at a pet shop plus all separate expenses your dog or cat will be needing.

Aside from this, pets from shelters are usually mixed-breed which means that they are likely to have a longer life and costs less when examined or treated by veterinary doctors. Compared to mixed-breed dogs, purebred dogs are prone to increased incidences of inherited diseases and health problems such as hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, breathing difficulties, and enlarged heart.

You’re freeing up space in animal shelters

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Animal shelters and rescue organizations are just operating through donations and volunteer works by people. Since they are not really well-funded, most of the spaces they allot for animals that have been rescued are just limited and small. This means that as long as each cage is still occupied, these shelters cannot provide a temporary home for dogs and cats.

But you can be an agent of change. If you choose to adopt, not only will you get an amazing pet but you will also make another homeless animal happy by freeing up a spot for him. Also, when practiced by many people, this can be a great solution to the growing problem of homeless animals in the country.

You’re getting a free support group

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When you buy pets at online stores and shops, your transaction ends the moment you went out their door. This means that when problems or questions arise later on, you cannot rely at the store where you had your purchase to support you and give you advice.

Unlike these shops, when you adopt at shelters, the amazing people there will always be reachable anytime of the day to guide you through the process of taking care of your pet. Since rescue organizations are really invested in making the lives of each animal comfortable and safe, you are assured that they can give the best solutions to your fur parent struggles.

You’re knowledgeable of your new pet

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The great thing about adopting is that you have all the knowledge and background you need about your new found baby. This is in comparison to buying pets from shops wherein they know little to none about the animal’s attitude, likes, dislikes, and other characteristics.

Since shelters are known to establish a good relationship with the rescued pets by spending some time with them, they are able to determine the characteristics of these animals before they are placed for adoption. Knowing what kind of pet you will be taking care of is essential to any pet owner. The reason behind this is that they will know whether this kind of dog or cat will suit their taste, time, and resources.

You’re open to plenty of options

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When looking for a pet, it is very important to determine what kind of breed you want. Sometimes when you visit a pet shop, you are usually presented with just two to three breeds of dogs and cats. Having said this, you don’t have really a wide option to choose from and you will just likely to buy any breed that is available.

However, if you decide to adopt instead, you will have a variety of options from mixed breeds to pure breeds. You can also have a closer look at them especially if you are aiming for a pet dog or cat with cool features such as stripes and spots.

You’re looking at trained pets

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If you want to skip attending classes to train your dog, you can just go right away at animal shelters and adopt their adult dogs. Since most adult rescue dogs were owned by previous families, most of them have been given the basic home training and their manners are also on check.

So you don’t have to worry about your pet peeing anywhere your house or destroying your carpet into small pieces because he knows well enough where to play and do his thing.

Pets give us unconditional love that sometimes humans fail to do so. They are gorgeous little creatures who only deserve nothing but proper treatment and a place they can call home. So, if you want to have a pet around while at the same time helping these homeless babies, make sure to adopt and not buy.