Summer Trip 2021: How You Should Get Ready

summer trip 2021

With summer just a few weeks away, many people are already thinking of what they will do. But the past year’s events have a significant impact on vacation travel. And you now have a lot to consider for a fun and safe vacation. Here is how you can get ready for the summer trip 2021. 

Summer Trip 2021 Tip no. 1: Know What To Expect

As the COVID-10 pandemic is still very much ongoing, there are a lot of likely changes that you should be aware of. These changes in travel procedures will affect not only how you plan out your travel but also what kind of travel you can undertake. As such, you should be familiar and updated with them. 

One of the biggest changes you will encounter is the introduction of the so-called immunity passport. An immunity passport is simply a document stating that a person has already been vaccinated against COVID. As countries begin to roll out their respective vaccination programs, they are likely to require these more from incoming foreigners. 

In the Philippines, experts project that vaccination is likely to start sometime this month. However, mass vaccination will likely happen by around late March or April. This means that securing a vaccination passport for that overseas summer travel is going to take some time. As such, you might want to stick more to local travel. 

Industry changes

On a more optimistic note, the travel industry is introducing certain changes to kickstart travel again. One such change that you will likely welcome is the waiving of various fees. Many airlines have already started waiving ticket change fees, making it easier for you to change the date of your flights if needed. They have also waived other miscellaneous fees, though this would differ between airlines. 

Hotels are also offering similar fee changes. Note that there is great variability in this one, as not all hotels have decided to lower their fees. But you can expect them to offer a variety of other deals to attract travelers, so better keep an eye. 

Summer Trip 2021 Tips no. 2: Explore New Types Of Travel 

While the pandemic has hampered many of the popular leisure travel types, it also opened the door for new ones. These offer exciting new opportunities that you might have overlooked before. That will surely excite anyone raring to travel after the year-long lockdowns. 

Staycations are expected to be one of the booms again this summer. The idea with this one is, of course, to stay close at home while still enjoying a vacation experience. Going on a staycation has the bonus of avoiding potential interaction with many people and possible infections. 

Summer Staycation
Image from ZenRooms.

Luckily, there is already a bustling staycation scene in the metro even before the pandemic hit. These offer a variety of indoor amenities that guests can enjoy. They also have some fun entertainment options that will keep you from being bored while inside your hotel room. 

Another form of summer travel that you might want to consider is “cityscaping.” This is essentially the reverse of staycation wherein you head out of the city for a more rural escape. The idea of escaping the city for a more tranquil vacation has always been there before. But COVID has pushed this as a means for people to get away from congestion. The gradual easing of quarantine measures in the last few months has made this more accessible for those who want to shake off the lockdown blues. 

Summer Trip 2021 Tip no. 3: Keep Quarantine Regulations In Mind

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, travel restrictions and regulations have become a part of our lives. But don’t think that these are over just because we are talking about summer travel. You still need to take these into account when planning your vacation.

Note that this isn’t just about health and safety. Navigating the different regulations can make for a frustrating trip if you come unprepared. As such, you would want to check for the latest travel regulations for your destinations. Do several checks as your travel date approaches since the regulationsx can change often. 

Summer trip 2021: Quarantine regulations
Image from MarketWatch.

You would also want to know the current cost of swab testing and quarantine procedures in the area where you plan to travel. The former can cost a significant amount, so set aside a testing budget for your whole entourage. Alternately, you can have your tests beforehand and present these as part of your travel documents. 

And always consider the quarantine periods required for each destination. Take this into account when coming up with your summer trip budget. For instance, you might need to add extra days to your hotel bookings to cover these up. Always make sure that you follow the other regulations within the area to avoid unnecessary fines. 

Summer Trip 2021 Tip no. 4: Make It More Sustainable

One thing that the COVID 19 pandemic has taught us is that our travels have a significant impact on the environment. As such, it would be a good idea to think about a more sustainable means of going about with your summer vacation. 

Sustainable vacation
Image from Roibee Red Tea.

Some of the useful tips when planning your summer trip are: 

  • Plan your transportation: Instead of driving your car, take advantage of the public transportation in your area. Traveling on foot is also going to be fun. 
  • Bring some utensils: Even a simple portable jug can save you a lot on water bottles. You can also bring your eating utensils. 
  • Know the policies: Travel destinations themselves are now more conscious about sustainability. So feel free to ask about the options that they offer. 
  • Volunteer: Offering to help the locals is a unique way to make your summer trip more meaningful. You also get to learn something new during the trip. 

All of these small tips can have a big impact on your summer travel experience. For one, you can get a good amount of savings during the trip. And you learn to better appreciate the destinations you head out to. 

Have A Fun Summer Travel This Year

The chance to finally travel after months of lockdowns has definitely gotten many excited. And with these nifty tips for your summer trip, 2021 is surely going to be fun again. Follow them and get ready for another exciting trip.