Virtual Valentines Date Ideas For Long-Distance Couples

Virtual Valentines date

COVID-19 is still raging, and is poised to put a damper on that intimate occasion we call Valentine’s Day. That is why virtual dating is now a thing. However, just going with a regular video chat can get boring fast. Instead, you might want to make your virtual dates more special. Here are some great virtual valentines date ideas you and your love can explore. 

Virtual Valentines Date Idea No. 1: Have a Theme

Themed dates are always a popular idea during Valentine’s, and you can also do it on your virtual date. The easiest way is by having your desired background theme in Zoom or other video chat platforms you are using. Since summer is near, a seaside background is a nice fit. But you can always select whichever theme you fancy from the tons of free ones online, like this one. 

Virtual Valentines date background
image from Pop Sugar.

If you find Zoom Valentine’s backgrounds a bit boring, you can go and physically decorate your rooms for the occasion. Add to the ambiance by playing the right music through an online playlist. And to cap the whole look, dress the part, be it in summer attire or something fancy. 

Virtual Valentines Date Idea no. 2: Play Some Games

Just staring at each other’s eyes the whole date might sound romantic. But it can be straining when done through a computer monitor. So, make your virtual Valentine’s date more lively by playing some games. Below are some of the fun ones you can try.  


This is the easiest game you and your partner can play. You will have a lot of fun trying to act in front of the web camera as they try to guess your chosen word. For the categories, you can have your beloved guess the things that you like. That will be an entertaining way to test how well you know each other. 

Story Time 

This is another quick game that you and your partner can play. The idea is to build a story from random words or phrases. You start by mentioning a word or phrase. They then say a word or phrase that builds on that. Do the exchange as fast as you can. Soon enough, you two will be laughing at the silly story you come up with.

I Never…

If you have wine by your side, you can play this one. Start the game by saying “I never…” followed by a statement. For instance, “I never go out at night.” If you or your partner think that the statement is false, then you take a shot. Otherwise, you don’t drink if it’s true. The fun begins when the alcohol starts to kick in. 

Virtual Valentines Date Idea no. 3: A Virtual Couple Retreat

2020 has arguably been a difficult year. And for couples in a long-distance relationship like you, it can be even tougher. The stress of not being able to go out and meet, coupled with the uncertainty of the situation, can take a toll on your well-being.

As such, a good virtual Valentine’s date idea is to turn the occasion into something more reflective. You and your partner can do a bit of relaxation by following the same meditation videos on YouTube. If you prefer a more active form of meditation, you can go with online yoga sessions instead. 

You might also want to use the moment to mentally and emotionally check up on each other. This one requires a bit of preparation. For at least a month before Valentine’s, you and your partner will be writing some journal entries on what you appreciate about each other. You can also write about what you miss about each other. 

Come Valentine’s Day, exchange notes and talk about what you have written. Do it in a lighthearted manner to make both of you more comfortable. From there, you can talk about the things that you look forward to doing once you get to meet up again. 

Virtual Valentine’s Day Idea no. 4: Virtual Cookout

Often, what’s more fun than Valentine’s dinner is preparing for it. Cooking your beau’s favorite dish with them is itself a very romantic gesture. And surprisingly enough, you can do this even when in an LDR. 

Set up your tablet or laptop in the kitchen and have a video chat while both of you prepare your dishes. Be candid and describe the smells of the food you are cooking to each other. That will add to the sensory experience that they get. 

Another way to go with this virtual Valentine’s date idea is by enrolling together in a cooking class. There are plenty of Valentine’s Day-themed online classes you and your partner can sign up for. And once you are done cooking together, you can enjoy that delicious food afterward. 

Virtual Valentine’s Date Idea no. 5: Go On A Virtual Trip

For many couples, visiting different places together is their idea of a romantic Valentine’s date. With a bit of imagination, you can still do this virtually. There are plenty of virtual tours online that you can get into. 

Here, you can always go with something that matches your chosen themes. For instance, you can go on a virtual dive tour of the Bahamas or a tour of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Some even have special Valentine’s Day tours that have nice extras for couples. 

While doing your virtual tour, talk to each other about the experience. You can even go on planning an actual trip to these places in the future. That will make you more perked up for an eventual couple’s trip once everything goes back to normal. 

Enjoy Valentine’s Day Online With Your Love

As these virtual Valentine’s date ideas show, distance is not an issue for a couple in love. You can even combine any of these ideas to come up with an even more romantic date. And if you want something more intimate to cap the day, then check out our next list.