Meaningful Gift Giving This Christmas

Meaningful gift ideas

Giving gifts to family and friends is a cherished Pinoy tradition during Christmas. But it can sometimes be hard to think of what to give your loved ones. Instead of sticking to the usual items, why not go for something that they might find more relevant? Here are some meaningful gift ideas for you to go for this holiday. 

Meaningful Gift No. 1: Essential Oils

Essential oils are one of the most popular health items nowadays. These have some great benefits including: 

  • Lowering stress and anxiety: Studies have shown that using essential oils alongside other therapy methods can help deal with stress. 
  • Relieving headaches and migraines: Dabbing a mix of peppermint oil and ethanol on your forehead works well in lessening headaches. 
  • Dealing with insomnia: Insomniacs can improve their sleeping patterns by smelling lavender oil. 
  • Protection against mosquitoes: Citronella oil can repel certain kinds of mosquitoes for up to two hours. 

Because of these benefits, a simple essential oils starter kit would make a great gift even for those who are not into it. 

Meaningful gift idea: essential oils
Image from WebMD.

To get the right essential oils gift for your recipient, consider where they will likely use it. Aromatherapy is the most common choice. Focus on their specific condition they might want to deal with. For instance, your recipient might have been complaining of headaches lately, hence a pack of peppermint oils.

Get a set that has a few different scents they can choose from. You can also go for one that has different methods of application, like topical application and inhalation. Complete the gift set with an extra like a humidifier that they can use during their therapy sessions. 

Meaningful Gift No. 2: A Healthy Christmas Basket

Food is always a popular gift item during the holidays. But instead of the usual Christmas basket, why not try for something different? Here, a healthy Christmas basket would be a great and meaningful gift for your family and friends. 

Again, think about the person who will be receiving the basket. If they are following a specific diet, build your basket around that theme. If they are strictly vegetarian, you can give them a selection of fresh produce. You can also consider any health condition that the recipient might have, such as allergies or eating restrictions. 

Aside from the main ingredients, you can include other handy items like: 

  • Healthy snacks: Pack in natural snacks like coconut/fruit chips, trail mixes, and energy bars. 
  • Tea: Throw in at least two different flavors of tea so your recipient will have some options. 
  • Food supplements: Whether it is for dealing with special needs or just general nutrient supplements, your receiver will appreciate these. 
  • Lip balm: Balms are great gifts for those who tend to have chapped lips during colder weather. 
  • Scented candle: If you find the above essential oils a bit out of reach, you can add a simple scented candle instead to your gift basket. 

Once you have all these items, pack everything into a reusable container. This way, even the basket will be handy for the receiver. Don’t forget to add a bit of flair in presenting the contents of your gift basket. Arrange everything in such a way that they are all visible at a glance. 

Meaningful Gift No. 3: A Handcrafted Item

It is always easy to buy gifts for your loved ones. But for a more meaningful gift idea, why not go ahead and make one of your own? Your recipients will arguably appreciate it more if they see the effort that you have put into the work. 

The question now is what to make. Since wearing a mask has become essential nowadays, handcrafted ones are a good idea. They are surprisingly easy to make. All you need are some pieces of cotton fabric and some optional elastic bands for the straps. 

Meaningful gift idea: handcrafted items
Image from Times-call.

You can make either a sewn or an unsewn version depending on your preferences. To personalize your gift mask, choose a colorful fabric that would be to the receiver’s liking. You can even have their names embroidered on the fabric. 

Decorative plates are another good handcrafted gift item. Here, you can go for inexpensive ceramic plates. Grab some food-safe paints and paint fun decorations on the face of the plate. You can also stencil the recipient’s name on it for a more personal touch. Let the paint dry according to instructions before wrapping everything. For added presentation, you can include a stand for the plate. 

Meaningful Gifts No. 4: Plants

The plantito/plantita craze has caught the attention of many Filipinos this year. As such, it is not surprising that some of your family or friends might want to have plants for Christmas. But beyond the decorative value, home plants have other benefits like: 

  • Boosting your immune system: The relaxing effects of plants help you sleep better, boosting your immune system. 
  • Improving your mental health: Just seeing plants around the home can help you feel happier and more focused. 
  • Improving home air quality: Plants release a variety of chemicals that help control various pollutants in your house. 

With all these benefits, gift plants become a lot more useful to your peers. As such, they will appreciate the present. 

Gift idea: plants
Image from Bouqs.

As for what kind of plant you would want to give, you have a lot of options available. You can even give herbs instead of just decorative plants. Those are a great gift for those who love to cook since they don’t have to buy the ones they need. 

Aside from the plants themselves, you can throw in some handy gardening tools. These might include a small spray bottle, a hand trowel, and garden shears. With these, the recipient can take care of the plants from the get-go. 

Make Christmas More Meaningful With These Gifts

The items listed here are just some of the meaningful gift ideas that you can go for this season. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which ones your family and friends will love. So be creative and have a fun gift-giving season