Microwave Recipes You Can Try At Home


Are you the one in charge of kitchen duties at home? Then you may well be aware that preparing meals often consumes a considerable amount of time and energy. Some even consider it as a stressful part of their everyday routine. However, there are ways to prevent cooking for hours on end, one of which is microwaving.

Upon hearing the said cooking method, you might have associated it to a simple heater for fridge leftovers. True enough, microwave ovens are often used for such purpose, but there is more to it than just that. It can knock up a meal, and even manage other culinary techniques like baking and defrosting, to name a few.

In other words, microwaving is a kitchen hack. Still have doubts in mind? Here are simple recipes you can try to see for yourself!

Scrambled Eggs

image from eggs.ca

Scrambled eggs are commonly found on a Filipino dining table in the morning. It is a simple yet delicious dish that will jump start your day. By all accounts, a plate full of it is quick and easy to make. But, of course, there’ll be days when you won’t have enough time to whip one out on a frying pan. If you’re running late for school or a business meeting at work, give Egg Farmers of Canada’s recipe a shot.


TOTAL TIME: 2 minutes

YIELD: 1 serving


• 2 pieces of eggs

• 2 tablespoons of milk

• a pinch of salt

• a pinch of pepper


• Get a microwave-safe container, preferably a round-shape one since it works best for microwave cooking eggs. Then, sprinkle it with cooking spray or you can simply wipe it with vegetable oil.

• Place eggs, milk, salt and pepper all together in the container before whisking. If you’re making use of a mug or ramekin as container, cover it with plastic wrap to pull back small area for venting. In case of using an egg cooker, place lid on cooker base then secure by twisting.

• For sure, microwave ovens vary per household. In case you have a 1000-watt one, put it on medium-high (70-percent power) before microwaving the food for one minute and 30 seconds to one minute and 45 seconds. Otherwise, take note that slightly increasing time is a must for lower wattage ovens; while decreasing it should be applied on higher wattage ones. Regardless, make sure to stir the food several times during cooking.


image from delish.com

Speaking of eggs, one of the foods that you can best plate it with is bacon. This strip of salted pork belly is widely known for its smoky barbecue-like aroma and taste that will leave your mouth watering. It is often served in restaurants, but also falls under the Filipino’s ever-favorite Silog meals, a staple of many carinderia menus.

So it’s no surprise if you would like to get a fix of this meaty goodness at home. But as delightful as it is on a dining table, it leaves a greasy mess in the kitchen when cooked. Still, worry not! Delish’s recipe got you all covered.


TOTAL TIME: 10 minutes

YIELD: 3 servings


• 6 slices of bacon


• Get a microwave-proof plate and line it with three layers of paper towels. After that, lay bacon on top without overlapping before covering it with two additional layers of paper towels.

• Set oven on high then microwave the bacons for four to six minutes to achieve crispiness. Remember to check on it halfway through the process since the duration for microwaving may vary based on the bacon’s thickness and microwave model.

Fried Rice

image from bbc.co.uk

Here in the Philippines, a proper meal is never complete without rice. Safe to say, Filipinos are certified rice lovers, so much so that there’s a common practice of shelving leftover rice, instead of using it as animal fodder, to make Sinangag, a delicious side dish that is often padded with garlic, egg and other toppings.

Sinangag, a local term for fried rice, is simple and easy to prepare. Still, there are instances when you only have a small serving of leftover rice and cooking in a wok seems more than necessary. So, instead of cooking it in such a way, this recipe from BBC teaches you how it’s done through microwaving.


TOTAL TIME: Less than 30 minutes

YIELD: 1 serving


• 125 grams or 4½ ounces of cold cooked rice

• 1 spring onion, finely chopped

• 80 grams or 3 ounces of frozen peas

• 1 teaspoon reduced salt soy sauce

• 1 free-range egg

• 1 tablespoon roughly chopped fresh coriander

• salt and freshly ground black pepper


• Get a hold of a microwave-safe bowl and place the rice, spring onions, peas and soy sauce into it. After that, simply mix the ingredients well.

• Crack the egg into the bowl and stir thoroughly. Make sure to break up the yolk and mix it through the rice.

• Cover the bowl using a piece of kitchen paper before placing it in the oven. Then, cook it on high for two minutes.

• Put half of the coriander and stir it through the rice. Then, season it with salt and pepper before sprinkling the remaining coriander on top.

Mac and Cheese

image from tasty.co

Macaroni and cheese is one hard meal to resist. For one, it is a rich profusion of two of the most delectable foods the world has to offer. Also, try looking at it and you will find yourself feeling hungry in no time. Why? Well, according to color psychology, yellow and orange, the usual colors of a mac and cheese, stimulate a person’s appetite. No wonder it is loved by people from all walks of life, with some even considering it as their comfort dish of choice.

Needless to say, it is a tasty treat that anyone would want to indulge in while staying at home. To save you the time and trouble of preparing one on a stovetop, here is an easy recipe from Tasty.


TOTAL TIME: Under 30 minutes

YIELD: 1 serving


• ½ cup of elbow macaroni (50 g)

• ½ cup of water (120 mL)

• 3 tablespoons of milk

• salt, to taste

• pepper, to taste

• ¼ cup of shredded cheddar cheese (25 g)

• fresh chives, to garnish, optional


• Using a microwaveable mug, place the macaroni, water and salt then mix well.

• Microwave for two to three minutes before stirring.

• Pour the milk, cheese, salt and pepper, then stir.

• Put it in the oven once more and microwave for another 30 seconds. Once finished, stir again before garnishing with a sprinkle of chives.

Chocolate chip cookie

image from number-2-pencil.com

It is hard to keep your chocolate cravings at bay when it hits you out of the blue. Your sweet tooth will just not stop demanding immediate satisfaction until a delightful treat finds it way inside your mouth. Fortunately, there are instant remedies to such a sudden urge, one of which is this chocolate chip cookie in a mug recipe from Number 2 Pencil.


TOTAL TIME: 6 minutes

YIELD: 1 serving


• 1 tablespoon of butter

• 1 tablespoon of granulated white sugar

• 1 tablespoon of firmly packed dark brown sugar

• 3 drops of vanilla extract

• Small pinch of Kosher salt

• 1 egg yolk discard the egg white or save for different recipe

• Scant ¼ of all-purpose flour slightly less than ¼ of a cup

• 2 heaping tablespoons of semi sweet chocolate chips plus more for topping


• Melt the butter in the microwave.

• Once done with the butter, add the sugars, vanilla and salt before stirring.

• Separate the yolk from the egg white and put it in the cup, then stir once again.

• Add flour and stir once more. Measure a scant, slightly less than full, 1/4 cup of all-purpose flour.

• Tip in the chocolate chips before giving the mixture a final stir. By now, it should look like a cookie dough. After that, sprinkle a few chocolate chips more on top of it.

• Microwave it for 40 to 60 seconds. Make sure to start checking if it’s done at the 40-second mark. Also, it is advisable not to cook past one minute. As noted in the recipe, it will continue cooking as it cools, just like a regular cookie. In case of dryness, try microwaving it in less time.

• Serve warm.


image from food.ndtv.com

Still craving for that rich chocolate taste? Then look no further because this delectable snack will surely satisfy your sweet tooth.

Brownie is a bite-sized cake known for its chewiness that can bring a smile to your face. If you’re feeling a little lazy and would want to save yourself from any baking hassle, check out this simple recipe from NDTV Food and get yourself some quick chocolate fix.


TOTAL TIME: 7 minutes

YIELD: 2 servings


• 2 tablespoons of flour or maida

• 2 tablespoons of sugar (or according to taste), powdered

• 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder

• 2 tablespoons of milk

• 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

• 1 tablespoon each of peanut butter, nutella, chocolate syrup, and maple syrup (optional)

• walnuts, chopped (optional)


• Get a hold of a microwave-safe mug and pour all the dry ingredients in it.

• Add and mix in the wet ingredients.

• Microwave it for one or two minutes, depending on your microwave’s settings.

• If you have some ice cream at home, place it on top of the freshly-cooked brownie and enjoy!

The versatility of a microwave oven is often left unexplored by many households, but it is definitely a kitchen appliance that can save your time and energy. So, what are you waiting for? Do yourself a favor by trying out these recipes to discover the beauty of microwave cooking.