Skipping Rope 101: An Introduction to the World of Jumps and Skips


Skipping anything is generally bad for you. Skip an exam and you might be looking forward to an F rating in your card. Skip meals and you will not have enough energy to last a day. Skip working out and you might never reach your ultimate body goal. The only kind of skipping that will not do you harm is well – skipping rope.

This cardio exercise is a great calorie burner. Aside from making you sweat a lot even in just a few jumps, it also strengthens and builds your muscle in the legs, core, and arms. Since this workout is probably one of the simplest there is, more and more people are incorporating skipping rope to their daily workout routine. If you are part of this population that is interested to know the benefits of skipping rope, the different kind of routines you can do with it, and other details, read until the very end. This article might just be the motivation you are looking for to start getting up from that couch.

Benefits of Skipping Rope

Promotes Weight Loss

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Just like any cardio workout, the main benefit of skipping rope is to burn calories and lose weight in the long run. But did you know that compared to running for 30 minutes or trying your best in the treadmill, skipping rope doubles the amount of calories you burn. In just a matter of 10 minutes, you can already lose an estimate of 124 calories. If you skip longer, let’s say around 20 to 30 minutes, you are looking at a shy of 300 calories off your body.

However, you should also take note that skipping alone will not get the job done. It is suggested to undergo a caloric deficit wherein you lessen the amount of calories you take in. This form of diet together with skipping rope has been proven to effectively cut some pounds as early as 2 weeks.

Improves Heart Health

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Known as the “heart workout”, skipping rope intensifies your heart rate than its normal beating. It has been found out that high intensity workouts have been associated to develop a stronger heart and decrease the risk of stroke and other heart problems.

Since skipping rope also improves your heart’s arteries and veins, you will notice how your breathing improves during exercises. If you are usually out of breath when working out, constant skipping rope can contribute to longer exercises without running out of breath easily.

Strengthens Muscle Mass

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Skipping rope is a full body workout which means that it targets a generous number of muscles in your body particularly the legs, core, and arms area. Since this workout involves putting weight most on your legs and arms, you would likely feel sore in these muscles after one session of jumping. However, this pain will fade in just a few days.

For the core area, skipping rope has been found out to decrease belly fat. While doing this particular exercise, it is suggested to pull your core tight while bending your knees a little every jump. Through this method, you can target the lower abs area more and the whole core as well.

Affordable and Easy

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Gyms or boxing facilities provide training and heavy equipment that will keep you motivated and get you fast results when working out. However, memberships plus additional payment for coaching sessions in gyms can be a little overwhelming for one’s pocket. The good thing about skipping rope is that it can be bought almost anywhere and is relatively cheap.

Aside from being pocket-friendly, skipping rope is a simple workout that doesn’t need coaching or proper training to get started. If you played with this equipment when you were young, you are probably aware how this works. But if you are just starting, skipping rope is just a matter of making small jumps while swinging the rope in a rhythm you are comfortable with.


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You probably wondered why kids love to play with their skipping rope. Well, it’s because you can have so much fun while jumping and swinging your rope. This equipment is flexible that you can make playful movements while still burning your calories. Instead of just jumping with both of your legs closed, you can try jumping from left to right, back and forth, high jumps, and even a criss cross movement.

How to Skip Rope

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If you already forgot how to skip rope since your last try during your younger years, fret not. Skipping rope is easy and just takes a few steps to get your legs and arms in sync. Here are some instructions and tips by the American Council on Exercise on how to get started.

  • Keep a light grip on the handles.
  • Hold your elbows close to your body and keep your shoulders relaxed.
  • Keep your knees slightly bent.
  • Use your wrist to turn the rope and create a smooth arc in the rope as it swings over your head.
  • Maintain good posture with your head up and back straight.
  • Don’t jump too high. This will help reduce impact on knees and ankles.

The Workouts

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Depending on how intense you want your cardio workout to go, incorporating HIIT workout to your skipping rope routine is the way to go. Here are some routine listed by Men’s Health that you can check out and try.

The Basic – Easy ( Total workout time: 17.5 minutes)

  • Standard jumps – 20 seconds
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  • Rest – 10 seconds
  • Right foot hops – 20 seconds
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  • Rest – 10 seconds
  • Left foot hops – 20 seconds
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  • Rest – 10 seconds
  • High knee jumps – 20 seconds
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  • Rest – 10 seconds
  • Standard jumps – 20 seconds
  • Rest – 10 seconds
  • Rest one minute.

The Jack and Squat – Medium (Total workout time: 17.5 minutes)

  • Jump rope jacks – 20 seconds
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  • Rest – 10 seconds
  • Body weight squats – 20 seconds
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  • Rest – 10 seconds
  • Side to side jumps – 20 seconds
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  • Rest – 10 seconds
  • Alternating bodyweight lunges – 20 seconds
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  • Rest – 10 seconds
  • Jump rope jack – 20 seconds
  • Rest – 10 seconds
  • Rest one minute.

The Fighter – Hard (Total workout time: 22 minutes)

  • Boxer step – 30 seconds
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  • Rest – 10 seconds
  • Off step jump – 30 seconds
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  • Rest – 10 seconds
  • Criss cross jump – 30 seconds
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  • Rest – 10 seconds
  • High knee jumps – 30 seconds
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  • Rest – 10 seconds
  • Boxer step – 30 second
  • Rest – 10 seconds
  • Rest one minute.

Skipmaggedon – Intense (Total workout time: 35 minutes)

  • Criss cross jump – 45 seconds
  • Rest – 15 seconds
  • Backwards jump – 45 seconds
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  • Rest – 15 seconds
  • Alternate foot criss cross – 45 seconds
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  • Rest – 15 seconds
  • Mummy kicks – 45 seconds
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  • Rest – 15 seconds
  • Double under – 45 seconds
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  • Rest- 15 seconds
  • Rest 2 minutes

Skipping rope can be your best friend in achieving a healthy and fit body. However, if you have underlying conditions or having doubts whether to begin this workout, consult your doctor first. Remember, health and safety should be your number one priority.