Fun Valentine’s Day Trivia to Brighten Your Romantic Date

Valentine's Day trivia

Valentine’s is just a few days off and you’re probably in a rush to prepare that great date for your loved one. But hold on a sec. How much do you actually know about the occasion? Here are some fun Valentine’s Day trivia that will amaze you and your partner. 

Valentine’s Day trivia no. 1: The origin of Valentine’s Day

While Valentine’s Day is celebrated yearly, many people are not familiar with how the holiday came to be. The most they know is that it is named for a Catholic saint, St. Valentine. But who St. Valentine is and why the day is marked to honor him is something that people often tend to overlook. 

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According to one commonly held story, St. Valentine was a priest in the Roman empire during the time of Claudius II. He was supposedly imprisoned after being caught secretly marrying Christian couples, which was then illegal. Another version of the story says he was performing wedding rites for soldiers who wish to avoid being conscripted into wars, which was also deemed illegal at that time. 

The legends went on to say that during his imprisonment, St. Valentine cut heart shapes out of parchment and gave these to the soldiers and other persecuted Christians as encouragement. It is said that this is the origin not only of the heart shape associated with Valentine’s but also the practice of giving cards to loved ones on the occasion. St. Valentine is said to have been executed on February 14, 269 AD, which we now mark as Valentine’s Day. 

Valentine’s Day trivia no. 2: Valentine statistics

Another interesting thing you might want to know about Valentine’s Day is just how large the celebration is. According to data provided by the Greeting Card Association, people around the world send a billion Valentine cards each year to their loved ones. This makes it the second-largest card-giving occasion after Christmas. 

Image taken from Amazon.

Interestingly, the data further revealed that women make up 85% of the people that buy Valentine’s day cards. On the other hand, men seem to prefer flowers, as they make up 73% of flower sales.

Jewelry is also a popular gift during the holiday. Statistics reveal that 20% of consumers will buy a piece of jewelry for their loved ones to celebrate the occasion. They are expected to spend $4.6 billion on these gifts. Unsurprisingly, a large chunk of these will be rings, as 50% of marriage proposals happens on the day. 

Valentine’s Day trivia no. 3: Flower symbolism

Valentine’s Day is also closely associated with flowers, especially the rose. Red roses have been a symbol of romantic love since ancient times. In Roman mythology, the flower is said to be the favorite of Venus, the goddess of love. The great writer Shakespeare is also fond of the flower, referencing it more than 50 times in his writings. 

Image from Reader’s Digest.

And to seemingly match that adoration, a plant called as the Thousand Year rose exists. This is a rose bush that has been in the Hildesheim Cathedral in Germany. Despite the name, the plant is actually around 700 years old. During World War II, the cathedral was destroyed by aerial bombings. However, the roots of the Thousand-Year rose managed to survive and regrow, seemingly a testament to it being a symbol of undying love. 

But as already mentioned, the rose isn’t the only flower associated with Valentines. Other flowers with their meanings include: 

  • Amaryllis: Pride and beauty
  • Orchids: Signifies ageless beauty. Often given on a couple’s 28th wedding anniversary.
  • Carnation: Innocence, faithfulness, and pure love
  • Morning glory: The flower is given during 11th year anniversaries and symbolizes affection. 
  • Hyacinth: Giving a blue hyacinth to your partner symbolizes constancy in the marriage. 

By mixing and matching these flowers, you can convey even deeper meanings to your partner. Of course, you can also give any flower to them as a simple way to say “I love you.”

Valentine’s Day trivia no. 4: Odd ways to celebrate Valentine’s 

While most couples will prefer a simple dinner date during Valentine’s Day, some might want an out of the ordinary experience. Here are a few unique ways to mark the occasion. 

Name a cockroach on Valentine’s

Some zoos, like the Bronxs Zoo in New York mark the occasion by letting the public name a cockroach either for their partner or an ex. Why you would want to name a roach after someone you love (or formerly love) is up to you but is as an amusing way to celebrate. The trend has become popular around the world, with zoos from different countries following suit. 

Valentine’s pigs

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For most of us, pigs are hardly the most romantic mascots. But that is not the case in Germany, where they are symbols of luck and lust. As such, they adorn everything from Valentine’s cards to chocolate cakes. The pigs are even posed in a slightly provocative manner to signify the “adults only” nature of Valentines in the country. 

Amaze your love with these trivia on Valentine’s Day

Your partner will likely have a lot of chuckles when learning the various Valentine’s Day trivia listed here. But they are more than just amusing bits of info. You can get a lot of nifty ideas from them on how to celebrate the day differently. Go brainstorm and have a fun Valentine’s with your partner.