Improve your Holiday Gift Shopping

‘Tis the season for gift giving. If you haven’t started your holiday gift shopping yet, it’s about time you got worried. Just kidding! December just halfway through and there’s still time for you to get done buying gifts. We’ve even got a few tips for you on how you can improve your gift shopping — all the whats, wheres, and even the hows. Here we go:

How to Build your Christmas List

Let me say this now: you NEED a list. No matter how good your memory is, you’re bound to double buy or forget something without it. A Christmas list ensures you have a gift for everyone important and it’s a great way to keep your spending down too. Here we have some tips to ensure your list helps you shop effectively.  For starters,

Make Two Lists

I don’t mean check that list twice, I mean make two lists. Get to writing the first one if you haven’t yet. It’s where you list everybody you’re meant to give a gift to. There aren’t any rules to it and you can do it however you want. Just make sure it makes sense to you and you can add or remove people as needed. Go through this list several times to ensure you got everybody. If you need to stay within a budget, feel free to shorten your list as needed. This is list number one, make one more.

Make a Shopping List 

You heard that right. Bringing your long list of loved ones, inaanaks, and friends on your shopping trip is a bit inconvenient and will likely cause you confusion. Create shorter, more streamlined shopping lists you can bring along. We suggest that you group those on your list by age — this way you can buy everything for a specific age group in one store. Setting a budget for each age group helps you limit your options and make the best choice within a price range. Of course, don’t forget to bring this list with you.

Let’s Go Shopping

If your list is ready, it’s time to go shopping! Where? There’s no shortage of places that carry holiday gift ideas, especially this season. Let’s discuss them below.

Online Stores and Shopping Apps

What can’t you buy online nowadays? The best thing about it is you can complete your shopping without ever leaving home. We love supporting local entrepreneurs, so check out IG or Facebook Marketplace for lovely and unique gift ideas such as personalized trinkets or custom stationery.

You can also buy on shopping apps like Lazada and Shopee, especially during sale season. Just double-check ship out dates and shipping time to ensure you receive them on time. Also, expect a couple of days’ delay in shipping during the holiday rush because of the number of parcels couriers have to deliver.

Bazaars and Tiangges

Wherever you are in the Metro, there’s bound to be one near you. Aside from being nearby, many bazaars and tiangges offer discounts if you buy more than one item. You’re also free to haggle with the Ate and Kuya selling to bring the price down. Bazaars are rich in unique finds that you can’t find anywhere else.

Warehouse Sales

Around this time of year, brands and chain stores often hold warehouse sales to clear out stock to make way for the new year. Not everybody is near these warehouses, but certain areas in the metro have several. Also, they’re usually searchable on Waze or Google Maps. This is a great place to score branded items at huge discounts. The only downside is that the checkout lines are usually long, so bring patience and a companion to fall in line for you while you choose.

More How-tos

You’re almost ready to head out, we just have a few more reminders to keep you efficient and make the whole experience easier.

Haggle — reasonably

Bazaars, Tiangges, and even some online sellers are open to haggling, but please don’t be barat about it. You can’t expect a huge discount on one or two items that are already on sale. If you can, buy several items from one store so you can further bring the price down. Some sellers offer bulk discounts outright, but if they don’t, there’s no harm in asking.

Change Up Colors

Maybe you don’t know how to choose unique gifts for everybody or you don’t have the time to pick out several items one by one. If you find a trinket you like, ask if it comes in several colors. Things like tumblers, scarves, and even clothes usually do. You can get away with gifting the same item to different people as long as you change up the colors or design. This is also a great way to haggle for discounts!

Go Forth and Shop

There you have it — looks like you’re all set! We hope you have a great time and that you find a little something for everybody on your list. Don’t forget your reusable bags to generate less garbage and give a little gift to Mother Earth.