4 Eco-Friendly Holiday Ideas To Lessen Your Carbon Footprint

eco friendly holiday

The Christmas season is a time for parties and all manners of celebration. But it has also become notorious as a time when trash piles up a lot more than usual. To help you help the environment, here are some eco-friendly holiday ideas for your celebrations. 

Eco-friendly holiday idea no. 1: Purchase eco-friendly gifts

Since the season is all about gift-giving, start your eco-friendly holiday by getting the right presents. When buying your gifts, look more closely at how they are manufactured and packaged. Gift items that have excessive packaging mean a lot more waste to throw out. Go for ones that have simpler packaging instead. 

Zero Waste Starter kit gift from Package Free.

You can also opt for gifts that are specifically designed to be eco-friendly. Some ideas to consider are: 

  • Recycled journals and planners: Planners that are made from recycled paper means fewer trees are cut down to make them. 
  • Reusable drinking tumblers: There is a growing clamor for replacing disposable plastic cups with reusable ones and these are a great way to join it. 
  • Handmade rattan baskets: With these bags, you not only reduce the use of plastic bags but also get to support the local industries. 
  • Zero-waste starter kits: These gift bags contain a variety of environment-friendly items and utensils will and help the recipient to get started with the lifestyle. 
  • Upcycled gift items: Look for gift items that are repurposed from other stuff, such as organizers made of old metal boxes for a unique present. 

Make sure these gifts are something the recipient will use. This way, those gifts won’t be mothballed on their shelves. Your friends will also appreciate the thought more. Don’t hesitate to ask them what they want to better fit your gift. 

Eco-friendly holiday idea no. 2: Get rid of the wrapping paper

Wrapping paper is probably one of the biggest contributors of Christmas waste. What’s more, since many people tear them apart when opening gifts, it limits their reuse. To avoid such waste, it would be a good idea to look for more eco-friendly ideas to wrap your gifts.

Image from Darlene Goes Green.

Reusable bags are one of the quickest ways to do this. Get one that is made of cloth or felt, as they can be immediately used for other purposes. You can go one step further and make the bag a complementary part of the gift, such as a carry case for a new phone. 

You can also use newspapers for wrapping gifts. These might not look as pleasing but they are better than buying large rolls of wrapping paper you will use only once. Additionally, you can readily send it up for recycling afterward. 

Buying your gifts from local stores also helps lessen the packaging waste. Since they do not need to be shipped from far distances, locally-0bought gifts use less packaging. Some stores even offer the above eco-friendly wrapping options so you don’t have to worry. 

Eco-friendly holiday idea no. 3: Use energy-saving decorations

Christmas lights are a ubiquitous part of the season but they also contribute a lot to your carbon footprint with the amount of energy they use. LED Christmas lights are a better option than regular ones since they use less energy. You can get as much as 80% savings on your lighting bill with these. 

Image taken from Christmas Light Source.

To get even more out of LED lights, here are some more quick tips when buying your lights: 

  • Choose the right light density: Christmas lights with bulbs closer together produce a brighter light for a given space. You can then opt for a shorter length with fewer lights. 
  • Consider the power level: The wattage of your chosen lights should not exceed the rating for the socket you plug them on to avoid overloading it. 
  • Decide on a color scheme: The color of your lights should complement that of the surrounding area. This helps make them look brighter without the need for more lights. 

Using these tips, you will be able to more efficiently light your house for the season. But you should still not overdo it. Putting too many Christmas lights can still make a significant impact on your electric bill. Go for a simpler setup with just two or three strings of lights that are bright enough to illuminate your display area just right. 

Eco-friendly holiday idea no. 4: Reduce your food waste

The Christmas season is the time for feasting on holiday food but there is also the tendency to have many leftovers. The best way to avoid this is by buying just the right amount of food for Noche Buena and Media Noche. Anticipate the number of people that will likely be present during those dates and cook accordingly. 

You also need to deal with excess food smartly. Give away some to your neighbors and friends. You can also organize food-giving events for the less fortunate in your community. Do this as soon as possible to keep the food you give away fresh and palatable. 

Have a greener Christmas with these eco-friendly ideas

The examples above are just some of the various eco-friendly holiday ideas you can do to make for a greener Christmas. Make these steps a habit and you will be surprised at how much of an environmental impact you can have. That will be your greatest Christmas gift to everyone around you.