Fitness Dance: Grooving Your Way To Fitness

If you are feeling bored with your usual workout routine, then you might want to try fitness dance instead. Its graceful routines promise to give you a different kind of exercise. Find out how it works and what different types you can try out in this guide. 

What is fitness dance anyway? 

Fitness dance refers to a loose group of workout programs that employ dancing as a form of exercise. It differs from actual dance in that there is no emphasis on perfecting a single performance routine. Participants instead simply do the movements as they prefer. 

The various dance workouts are subdivided into four different categories. These groupings are based on the specific fitness focus of each workout. 

Cardio dance

This is the category most often associated with the term fitness dance. It features fast movements that help you break a sweat and work your heart out. The routines are based on different fast-paced dances like Zumba (Latin dance), Doonya (Bollywood), and Jazzercise (Jazz). 

Barre workouts

While Barre workouts are based mainly on ballet, they also take inspiration from non-dance routines like pilates, yoga, and strength training. This type of workout focuses on proper form and postures. The movements are also typically slower and low impact ones that encourage flexibility and core strength. This makes it a great cross-training program for runners and cyclists. 

Mind-body dance

This type of dance classes incorporates elements from non-dance activities like yoga, tai chi, and martial arts. The resulting routines are low-impact and low intensity, which is well-suited for beginners. Aside from improving your cardiovascular health and flexibility, this workout type is also effective for reducing stress.

Sensual dances

Sensual dance workouts include styles like belly dancing, pole dancing, and even striptease. They vary in focus, with the latter being about raising your heartbeat. Other styles like pole and aerial dance help build your full-body strength. There is also a greater display of artistic form since you will be doing some fancy moves. 

Before selecting the type of dance workout to sign up for, decide on what specific results you want to get. There are also new dance workout styles being introduced yearly. These are great additional options you can choose from. 

The popular dance workouts to try out

A great thing about fitness dance is that there are a lot of programs you can choose from. These are open to all ages and fitness levels, letting you jump right in. Here are some of the popular ones you can consider. 


Developed by choreographer Beto Perez during the 90’s, Zumba is considered as one of the programs which helped spark a renewed interest in fitness dance in recent years. The routine combines elements from different Latin dances and international dance styles. These include samba, salsa, reggaeton, and even hip hop. The large variety of moves creates an intense aerobic workout. 

Another aspect of Zumba is called interval training. The routines alternate between fast rhythms and movements and slower, more controlled ones. That variability lets your body recover between routines and give you more energy. 

There are also different Zumba types, including: 

  • Zumba Gold: Zumba intended for older people.
  • Aqua Zumba: Your dance sessions are held in a pool
  • Zumba Step: Exercised focused on your lower body

You can join any of these classes even without prior training. The moves for each are not complicated, letting you get accustomed to them fast. Furthermore, you don’t have to exert much effort when doing them. 


This workout takes inspiration from South African dances. Bokwa’s focus is also on cardiovascular exercises. However, the routine also lends itself to strength training, as you get to use all parts of your body. 

What makes Bokwa great is that it is very easy to get into. The moves are very basic and there is no complicated choreography to follow. In each move, you draw the English alphabet with your feet, aiding in memorization.

Another great aspect of Bokwa is flexibility. Once you memorize the basic steps, you can then add your own set of moves. This can include punches, arm movements, and hip turns. There is no strict choreography to follow and instructors will just signal you when to move to the next step. This creates a more fun workout for practitioners. 

Yoga dance

For those who are not into the fast-paced movements seen in other dance workouts, yoga dance is a good option. As the name implies, this is a combination of yoga and slow dance movements. Your goal in the workout is to transition from one yoga pose to another in a graceful manner. 

The relaxed nature of this workout lets you calm yourself and relieve stress. You also get to work on your flexibility with the graceful movements employed. Because of these, it has become a popular element of dance parties. 

Get fit with these dance workouts

Fitness dance is a great way to liven up your workout sessions. Instead of going through the same boring exercises, you get to shake your body in a fun way while getting your cardio fix. Try these workouts today and you will be surprised at the results later on.