Gym Fears: Starting Late or Never Starting at All

Going to the gym can be a challenge for newbies. They often have many worries about whether signing up would be worth the effort. These fears can lead them to hesitate about starting their gym workouts. Learn how to overcome these worries and get your workout routine going in this guide. 

Gym fear no. 1: Not knowing where to start

Since the gym is a new experience, first-timers can feel overwhelmed with all the machines and equipment. They would sometimes just follow what others are already doing when they arrive. This can end up confusing them further and ruining their first day. 

Studying a little before heading to the gym is a good way to solve this issue. Learn about the basic stuff like muscle groups to better understand the mechanics of the workouts. You can also watch videos beforehand demonstrating the machines and workouts. 

Many gyms also offer induction classes for would-be members. These serve as a tour of the facilities, with the instructors demonstrating them. When joining these classes, be sure to as a lot of questions to better understand how everything works. 

Asking yourself what you exactly want to get from the gym workouts will also help you know where to start. The three common goals people have for hitting the gym are:

  • To lose weight
  • To tone their bodies
  • To build muscles

When deciding on a goal, be as specific as possible. This will help you choose the right workouts to focus on. Instructors will also be able to help you devise your program accordingly. 

Gym fear no. 2: Too late to start for the gym 

This is a common fear of older gym-goers. They worry that they might not be able to keep up with younger people and get the same results. Even younger novices get this too, especially if they are surrounded by friends. 

The thing is, there is no right age or time to start hitting the gym. Remember that your main goal is to keep fit. Focus on that instead of trying to compare your progress to those of others and you will find the experience rewarding. 

It is also worth pointing out that late bloomers can still get the same benefits as long-time gym buffs. A study published by the US-based National Cancer Institute showed that people starting to work out late in life can reduce their mortality risk just as much as those who started early. This should serve as enough encouragement for you to sign up regardless if you are a late bloomer. 

Fear no. 3: Your body might get too sore

The body pains resulting from your initial workout session can be an unpleasant experience. In some cases, your body will be sore for up to three days. This can make moving around really tough. While that pain will be gone by the end of 2-3 sessions, some will get easily discouraged and not return after the first one. 

Moderation is important if you want to lessen the soreness you experience. Think about the level of exercise you have done before signing up. If you are not of the physical type, it would be best to start with light workouts to get your body accustomed. For instance, you can walk on the treadmill instead of running. Your instructor will guide you about the type of gym workouts to do and the intensity level.

It would also help to pay attention to the preparations before starting your workouts. Follow the correct movements to avoid straining your muscles too much. You should also take note of the right amount of rest days to help your body recover. 

Fear no. 4: No time for regular gym workouts

After the initial sessions, some people might worry about how they would exactly fit gym time into their schedule. This is especially the case for those who have regular 9 to 5 jobs. Luckily, there are a lot of ways to make time for your workouts. 

Gyms themselves offer a variety of classes throughout the day depending on your availability. Some have 30-minute programs which you can easily fit in before or after work. It is also easy to find gyms near workplaces nowadays, giving you more opportunities. 

Some lifestyle changes will help make it easier for you to fit your gym workouts. Instead of doing one whole session into a single gym day, you can chop it up into smaller 20-minute sessions throughout the week. Be sure to consult your trainer and tailor your workout to fit the available time. 

Don’t be afraid to start your gym workouts today

It is understandable for newbies to worry whether they can do regular gym routines. But don’t let these fears hold you back. Take the first step and sign up for your sessions today. You will definitely be satisfied with that decision later on.