Why go Vegan? Exploring The Vegan Lifestyle

In recent years, more Filipinos have begun embracing a vegan lifestyle. They are often intrigued at what the alternate lifestyle has to offer. But how does veganism actually work and how do you get started with it? Let’s go and find out. 

The vegan lifestyle defined

Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of all animal products. Note that this is different from the more familiar practice of vegetarianism. The latter still allows the consumption of certain animal products like eggs and milk while the former completely removes them. 

What’s on the menu for a vegan?

Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of all animal products. Note that this is different from the more familiar practice of vegetarianism. The latter still allows the consumption of certain animal products like eggs and milk while the former completely removes them. 

What’s on the menu for a vegan?

Based on the above definition, you will likely ask what is vegan food exactly. A vegan diet generally focuses on the following food groups:

  • Legumes: Beans, lentils, and peas often serve as the main source of proteins.
  • Nuts and seeds: The different by-products of nuts and seeds are a good source of antioxidants. 
  • Tofu: This soybean product is a popular substitute for meat. 
  • Seaweed: Seaweeds contain a large amount of fatty acids, specifically DHA.
  • Whole grains and cereals: Whole grains are a great source of carbs, fiber, B vitamins, and other minerals. 
  • Fruits and vegetables: Different fruits and vegetables can be used as substitutes for meat in different dishes. 

While these are staple food items, vegans are free to decide on which group to focus on. It’s not uncommon to encounter one who subsists mostly on whole grains. There is, in fact, a host of different veganism types based on the staples they eat more. 

One thing worth mentioning about the vegan lifestyle and diet is that it’s stricter when it comes to food items coming indirectly from animal by-products. Vegans might, for instance, completely avoid any food items containing gelatin, like marshmallows and candies. This is because most gelatins are derived from animal collagen. 

The benefits of a vegan diet

Now that you know what is vegan food, you might be wondering what you gain from the diet. Better health is one of the foremost benefits advocates say going vegan offers. Studies have shown that a vegan diet can help a lot in weight reduction. This weight loss contributes to lessening the risks of heart diseases, diabetes, and other conditions related to obesity. 

A vegan diet can also be richer in certain types of nutrients, like fiber, fatty acids, and vitamins. These nutrients help improve a variety of bodily functions, helping you stay away from other diseases. The diet can even lessen the risk of certain types of cancer.

Know what is vegan food and make the shift

With the various benefits veganism has to offer, you will likely be convinced that it is the way to go. By familiarizing yourself with the staples of a vegan diet early, you can determine how to better transition into it while still enjoying great food. But you should remember that the vegan lifestyle is not just about food. To really maximize its benefits, you need to make a complete switch towards it. Take that first step and you are on your way to a better, healthier life.



