5 Ways To Organize A Zoom E-numan!


Want to know how to have an e-numan during quarantine? Read on.


Once dismissed by Silicon Valley almost a decade ago, Zoom nevertheless has become a well-known entity within the business and technology sectors. It is where colleagues and businesses virtually meet. However, it would take you several minutes to explain what Zoom is to a layman. That is until March 2020, when everyone was forced to stay home and forget about socializing. 

Zoom is unfortunately a sign of the times as social distancing becomes necessary for everyone’s protection. Though not as necessary as a face mask, it nonetheless has to be part of your COVID-19 toolbox. You stay home and ride it out.

But, being idle at home does not mean you will just have to count sheeps in your head. With a myriad of video call options these days, including Zoom, there are plenty of ways to stay in touch with friends. Are you ready for a Zoom e-numan?

Where’s the party?

Preparing a party pre-COVID entails a lot of creativity, whether you are in a bar, a restaurant, an events place, or in your home. These places are now out of the question, and it will be for at least a year before the world gets a semblance of normalcy. Zoom then is your best, but certainly not the only, option. You will just have to be twice as creative.

How to party?

A Zoom e-numan may not be the answer to life’s current problems, but it can help keep you sane. Of course, you would not want to just sit in front of your laptop holding your beer.. How can you recreate the fun atmosphere of a party through video? Here are some awesome ideas to make sure your Zoom e-numan becomes a success.

1. Host a game night.

From Getty Images

Host social simulation games like Animal Crossing. It is a simulation video game where you play a human who resides in a village full of anthropomorphic animals. The game has no defined objectives, thus it is open-ended. You simply spend your days in the village performing many different activities. While players of other games are not able to keep track of their time as they are fully engrossed with their game, here you are fully aware of the time. This is because the game uses its internal clock and calendar functions. Or you can go old school and play board games. The all-time classic Monopoly comes to mind. Bring out the financial analyst in you as you try to out think and out maneuver your friends into buying and selling properties and many more. The one who ends up with the most money wins!  Monopoly now has an online version.

2.  Ask everyone you invited to prepare a favorite story, jokes, or memory.

The problem with an e-numan is perhaps the lack of spontaneity; it feels like you always have to take turns speaking. Notice the lack of side conversations. To prevent awkward moments and uneasy silence, ask everyone to prepare stories or a favorite memory. You can also bring old embarrassing photos that you can talk about. These things should spark an enjoyable roundtable.

From Getty Images

3. Dress up.

I know most of us here are raring to dress up once again, but have no reason to. Here is your chance! Why not set a dress code for everyone. You can ask everyone to go glamorous, or ask them to wear costumes based on a chosen theme. How about walking the red carpet with your Hollywood styled theme. This will be your chance to look like Leonardo de Caprio or Scarlett Johanson. Or dress like Ariel and Nemo with an Under the Sea theme. You can go as far as your imagination will take you.

4. Videoke!

What is a drinking session without belting your favorite songs with your pals? Sing your favorite My Way through videoke apps that you can download, like WeSing and Lucky Voice. You and your friends can surely sing to your heart’s desire. 

Just do not disturb the neighbors.

Image from Pexels

5. Go on a virtual trip.

Take a virtual trip to museums, beaches,or national parks around the world. 

The Louvre, British, and Guggenheim Museums offer virtual tours of their rooms, so this is your chance to see a Van Gough masterpiece, or Mona Lisa for that matter. National Geographic, on the other hand, can take you out to see to make new fishy friends. Or you may opt to climb giant trees in the Kings Canyon National Park, still care of National Geographic.

While you can technically invite, and host, hundreds of people in one Zoom e-numan party, it is wise to invite just a handful since you will be talking with each other at the same time. You want everyone to get involved and not feel left out, which is exactly what could happen if you have lots of attendees. 

Admittedly, Zoom e-numans will never replace the warmth of face-to-face drinking with your buddies, but for sure it is the next best thing. You can still do what you enjoy doing during regular parties, like turning up the music, talk, laugh, and enjoy. Let your Zoom party be one for the ages!